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It’s hardly a surprise, but the Link’s Awakening Pack in Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends is now confirmed for June 30 as well. The DLC was previously announced for the same day in Europe and Japan a few days ago.

For those that missed it, here’s the Link’s Awakening Pack trailer:

Nintendo has updated the European Fire Emblem Fates website with a scheduled for the next wave of DLC. It all begins on July 21, with four pieces of content planned. Another three pieces will be made available one week later.

Here’s the full schedule:



Capcom has made a couple of Japanese announcements regarding Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice.

First, the game is receiving new DLC in collaboration with Sengoku Basara. Phoenix can wears clothes based on Date Masamune, Apollo has a Sanada Yukimura outfit, and Athena is given Tokugawa Ieyasu garb. The DLC is due out on June 23 and costs 143 yen.

A new Phoenix Wright: Ace Attor

ney – Spirit of Justice 3DS theme is also launching today. It’s priced at 200 yen.

Here’s a look at all of the new content:



LEGO Marvel’s Avengers will be adding a new Spider-Man character pack featuring the character from Civil War, USA Today reports. The new content is set to arrive “soon”.

Warner Bros. and TT Games have been updating LEGO Marvel’s Avengers with DLC on Wii U, so Spider-Man should be on that platform for sure. USA Today mentions 3DS as well, but I believe that’s less certain.


Once 7th Dragon III Code: VFD hits store shelves, new downloadable content will be made available. SEGA shared information today about what plans it has in store on this front.

First, a free in-game bonus item will be distributed at launch. The Nagamimi doll will be free forever, and provides unique voice interactions between it and whatever voice actor you selected for your protagonist (of the 40 to choose from).

On top of that, seven additional DLC quests will be rolled out that can either help players along with XP/money boosts and unlockable characters, or challenge players with a post-game boss rush. Here’s the full rundown:

Capcom has announced the first bit of DLC that will come to Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice, although the announcement is currently for Japan only. The “Turnabout that Crosses Time” will be a plotline that takes place after the story of the regular game (and will not even be playable until the main story is completed). The DLC will launch June 30th, and it will actually be free for players until July 21st. It is also described as a complete volume, containing investigation and courtroom sections, and starring Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, Miles Edgeworth, and Phoenix’s childhood friend, Larry Butz.

The DLC will also be given an introduction during a livestream later today, which can be viewed here. If any important info comes of this stream, we’ll let you know.


BeatEmUps has published around 20 minutes of footage from the new Super Mario Mash-Up Pack coming to Minecraft: Wii U Edition this week. View the gameplay below.

Nintendo has provided concrete information about its DLC plans for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE in the west. At launch, players will be able to grab additional five packs for the game.

They are as follows:

Costume Set: Get new costumes for Itsuki, Tsubasa, Touma and Kiria.
Tokyo Millennium Collection: Participate in a fashion show and get extra outfits for Tsubasa, Kiria and Eleonora.
EXPeditious Hunter: Battle through a dungeon filled with enemies that yield experience.
Masterful Hunter: Gain materials used to level up weapons by fighting enemies in this dungeon.
Savage Hunter: Defeat difficult enemies in this dungeon to earn rare items.

Nintendo also said today that the EXPeditious Hunter, Masterful Hunter and Savage Hunter DLC can be purchased together for a reduced price in the Hunter Support Quest Pack.

All DLC that released in Japan is here – with one exception. At least for now, it doesn’t appear that the Hot Springs add-on content will be offered outside of Japan. This was comprised of extra swimsuits and programs that could be viewed on a television featuring the characters in the new costumes.


On Thursday, Fire Emblem Fates Map Pack 2 was released in North America. A bunch of footage from the DLC can be seen below.

The European Fire Emblem Fates website has been updated with DLC pricing information for Europe. Players will be able to purchase Map Pack 1 for £16.19 / €17.99 to access 11 new maps along with 10,000 in-game gold. If purchased separately, the maps would cost £22.70 / €24.90.

Here’s the pricing information for individual maps.

  • Before Awakening – Beyond the gate to another world lies the Halidom of Ylisse. (20th May, free)
  • Boo Camp – It is said that there is another world where one can get plenty of experience… (26th May, £2.29/€2.49)
  • Beach Brawl – And the winner of the royal families’ battle over a ticket to paradise is… (26th May, £2.29/€2.49)
  • Ghostly Gold – It is said that there is another world where one can get plenty of gold… (2nd June, £2.29/€2.49)
  • Museum Melee – It is said that there is a world where one can get many new weapons… (2nd June, £2.29/€2.49)
  • Royal Royale – A battle to determine the strongest royal. And the last one standing is— (9th June, £2.29/€2.49)
  • Hidden Truths (1 & 2) – The secret prologue to the world of Fates. 2 map set. (16th June, £4.09/€4.49)
  • Vanguard Dawn – A trial ground using the stage Elincia’s Gambit from Radiant Dawn. (23rd June, £1.79/€1.99)
  • Anna on the Run – Anna is cornered by thieves! What will her fate be…? (30th June, £1.79/€1.99)
  • Ballistician Blitz – A trial ground using the stage The Wooden Cavalry from Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light. (7th July, £1.79/€1.99)
  • A Gift From Anna – If you select “A Gift from Anna” from the “Play DLC” section of the Dragon’s Gate after downloading, you may select and receive either the Sighting Lens OR the Witch’s Mark. Only playable once. (7th July, free)
  • Witches’ Trial – A trial ground using the stage Fear Mountain from Fire Emblem Gaiden.(14th July, £1.79/€1.99)

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