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file size

Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove will be ready for Switch’s launch on Friday. On Twitter, Yacht Club Games shared the official file size. It’ll take up 147 MB when installed.


1-2-Switch file size

Posted on 8 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 18 Comments

1-2-Switch will be sold at retail on March 3, but a digital option will also be available. If you’re going for the latter option, keep in mind that the game takes up 1.3 GB of space.

This isn’t the only file szie we have for a Switch title. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild takes up 13.4 GB, for instance. Other file sizes are located here.


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Nintendo has updated its Japanese website with the file sizes for a number of upcoming Switch games. Dragon Quest I-II seems to be the biggest of the bunch out of the initial lineup at 32 GB.

Here’s the listing of sizes we know about thus far:

– Dragon Quest Heroes I-II – 32 GB
– Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 7 GB
– Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence with Power-Up Kit – 5 GB
– Snipperclips – 1.60 GB
– I Am Setsuna – 1.40 GB
– Puyo Puyo Tetris – 1.09 GB

Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s size was reported awhile back. That one requires 13.4 GB of space.



forma.8 finally launches on various platforms next week, including Wii U. The game’s file size is in as YouTubers and media gain early access. forma.8 will take up 1,140 MB of space on your system.


XSEED is publishing Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns in just under two weeks in North America. Of course, a digital option will be available alongside the retail version.

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns takes up 5,443 blocks of space. That amounts to 680.375 MB.


Tank Troopers is out now on the North American and European 3DS eShops. To download the game, 1,240 blocks of space are needed. That amounts to 150.5 MB.

The file sizes for both versions of Plantear are in. For Wii U, the size is 49 MB. On 3DS, it’s 120 blocks, which amounts to 15 MB.

Source 1, Source 2

Star Splash: Shattered Star is due out on the European Wii U eShop this week. The game’s file size is in, which is a 208 MB download. It should be available on Thursday.


Shadow Archer has already been out in North America, but it was added to the European Wii U eShop today. The game’s file size is in for those that are curious. To download the game, 79 MB of free space is needed.


Nostatic Software is bringing Candy, Please! to the 3DS eShop on Thursday. To download the game, 259 blocks of free space is required. That amounts to just 32.375 MB.


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