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Cozy Grove

Head up for Cozy Grove players: another update is now available. If you own the game, be sure to download version 2.1.0.

The newest update contains a bunch of adjustments as well as fixes. For the full patch notes, continue on below. 

Fantasy Strike

Sirlin Games is still updating its Switch fighter Fantasy Strike. As of this week, the game is at version 1.0.

This is a pretty big update, featuring updated graphics, balance updates, and more. We’ve included the full patch notes below.

Totally Reliable Delivery Service

Totally Reliable Delivery Service has been updated on Switch. If you own the game, version 2.00.121 – otherwise known as “Totally Delivered” – is now accessible.

Included in the update is a visual overhaul, improved controls, “Hovercraft Derby” arena, and more. A trailer showing off what’s new can be found below.

Grindstone Lost Lair update

Grindstone’s next major update, known as “Lost Lair”, has just arrived on Switch. Version is out now.

The Lost Lair update includes new levels and challenges for Grindstone, as well as introducing new rewards and systems. We have further details below.

What the Golf?

Triband has announced the release of a major update for What the Golf? on Switch – and it technically dropped a week earlier than expected.

Players can get their hands on three new packs: Sporty Sports Pack, the It’s Snowtime Pack, and a Challenge mode. There are new fixes and optimizations, too.

Here’s some additional information: 

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin

When Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin launches on Switch tomorrow, it will come with a day one update. Players will be able to access version 1.0.3.

Below are the official patch notes shared by Capcom:

Knockout City

Knockout City players on Switch now have access to the game’s latest update. EA and Velan Studios have started distribution of version 1.4.

While the update largely features bug fixes, a new Hero Bonus has been implemented and more. Continue on below for the full patch notes.

Lonely Mountains: Downhill

Thunderful Publishing and Megagon Industries have released a major update for Lonely Mountains: Downhill. It includes Daily Ride Modifiers and more.

Here’s some additional information:

Super Bomberman R Online

Today, Konami issued a new update for Super Bomberman R. Switch players can now access version 1.2.2.

The update comes with a couple of additions, including DLC character Vic Viper Zero Bomber. We have the full patch notes below.

Among Us

Among Us just received its latest update on Switch. If you own the game, version 2021.6.30 is now available.

Today’s update is highlighted by the addition of a brand new vent cleaning task. Continue on below for the full patch notes.

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