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Splatoon 2 will be undergoing maintenance tonight. Following the downtime, players will be able to download a new patch – version 1.2.0.

The maintenance period will take place during the following times:

– 6:50 PM PT – 8:30 PM PT
– 9:50 PM ET – 11:30 PM ET
– 2:50 AM in the UK – 4:30 AM in the UK
– 3:30 AM in Europe – 5:30 AM in Europe

Full patch notes for Splatoon 2 version 1.2.0 are as follows:

A new update for Death Squared has started distribution. Version 1.1.0 is out now for all players.

We had heard that there was an issue with Death Squared when playing level 65 while the system was docked. Today’s update should take care of that problem.


Level-5 has been teasing the new version of Yo-kai Watch 3 with new trailers and commercials as of late. Today, the company announced a final release date. The update drops in Japan on August 30.

All versions of Yo-kai Watch will be receiving new yo-kai. Additional creatures will also be added to the game’s Busters T mode.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Nintendo has started distribution of another update for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Players with access to the game can download version 1.2.1.

Today’s update specifically addresses one particular problem. The single patch note from Nintendo states, “Corrected an issue that prolonged the time to return to the lobby after races near the start and end times of online tournaments.”

And that’s it. Nothing too huge, but it’s always good to see issues being addressed.

Thanks to Cameron for the tip.


Level-5 has sent out a second trailer for the Yo-kai Watch 3 version 4.0 update dropping in Japan this summer. Check it out below.

The new 2.1.0 update for ARMS went out a short while ago. In terms of actual new content, Nintendo didn’t bring in whole lot. However, the company is gearing up for some new additions rather soon.

The Japanese ARMS Twitter account has teased a new character that will be available with the next update. New ARMS will be included, too.

We just saw a new update today, so it might be a few weeks until the next one goes out.


A new update has just gone out for ARMS, bringing the game up to version 2.1.0. If you’ve purchased the game physically or digitally, the patch will be downloaded automatically. You can also force the update from Switch’s Home Menu.

Today’s ARMS update isn’t as significant as the last one, but it’s still noteworthy. Nintendo has made a number of changes and adjustments across the board, including fighters and ARMS. Nintendo has added new Training exercises, adjusted hitbox sizes for fighters, and more.

The full patch notes for ARMS version 2.1.0 are as follows:

A new update for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has just gone out. Nintendo is delivering version 1.3.1 to all players.

Nintendo says that today’s update addresses an issue with the game’s first round of DLC involving the defeat of certain enemies for Kilton. But more interestingly, a new News channel for Breath of the Wild will be going live for Switch on Wednesday. Players will be able to obtain items by launching Zelda from certain articles.

The official patch notes for version 1.3.1 are as follows:

The next update for ARMS will make its way out to players next week, Nintendo has announced.

Specifics about the patch are mostly under wraps. However, we do know that balance adjustments will be implemented. The update will be pushed out in the middle of the week.

The most recent update for ARMS released about a month ago. It was rather significant, adding in Max Brass as a playable character, his ARMS and stage, the “Hedlok Scramble” mode, and more. Next week’s update may not be as big, but will still be worthwhile.


In Japan, the developers of Flip Wars have kept the Switch game updated with regularly patches. These are now starting to reach Europe.

Those who have downloaded Flip Wars in Europe can access an update that adds a whole bunch of stuff. Nintendo outlines the details below:

North America will be the last major region to be getting Flip Wars. Nintendo is publishing the game on August 10.


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