Animal Crossing: New Leaf update will remove weeds for you
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 17 Comments
Animal Crossing: New Leaf is getting a new update before the year ends. However, by this point, some folks may have stopped playing the game. It is over three years old after all!
Good news to those who haven’t stopped by their towns in awhile. According to the official Animal Crossing Twitter account, the update will remove all weeds that have built up. You won’t have to pluck them out manually.
The tweet reads:
Been away from your town for a while? When the free update arrives this autumn, I'll take care of all the weeds!
— Animal Crossing UK (@AC_Isabelle) September 12, 2016
New Pokemon GO update rolling out (version 1.7.0 / 0.37.0) – Buddy Pokemon, Pokemon GO Plus support
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 6 Comments
Niantic is in the process of rolling out a new Pokemon GO update. On iOS, the game is being updated to version 1.7.0 while it’s 0.37.0 on Android.
The latest patch implements Buddy Pokemon as well as support for Pokemon GO Plus. You can find the full notes and announcement straight from Niantic below.
More: Niantic, Pokemon GO, title update, top
Terraria – final Wii U update out now, 3DS patch in the works including larger worlds on New 3DS
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS, News, Wii U | 4 Comments
There’s plenty of news surrounding the Nintendo versions of Terraria.
First, on Wii U, a “catch-up” patch is out now. The update is about “clearing up the handful of issues from the launch of that version” and also “brings Wii U into line with the other consoles in terms of content.” That means the inclusion of the Stylist, plus new mechanic fixes and items. The full patch notes are here.
This will actually be the last update for Terraria on Wii U. Writing on the Terraria forums, 505 said:
“This update is intended to draw a line under Terraria on Wii U as it did with the other platforms – so we are afraid that no further updates for Wii U will be possible due to technical limitations. Bear in mind that you now have the same great content in two hits. There were more updates on the other platforms simply because they were released earlier. The content is the same. The logic for being unable to further update Wii U is, regrettably, the same as the ‘old gen’ machines – though the Wii U does admittedly have more resources than the 360/PS3, it is still a fraction as capable as PS4 and Xbox One, and we need all their available horsepower to take Terraria where we want to go next. This version will still be able to play online, so you can continue to enjoy it as long as you’re gaming on the Wii U platform. By the time the next update rolls out on PS4/Xbox One we’ll be very close to the launch of NX… But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
On the 3DS side of things, CodeGlue is developing a content update for later in the year. They’ll be looking to address reported issue with stability and crashes while implementing fixes as well. These include:
– Now to able to deactivate pets
– Chain gun accuracy fixed
– Ice Queen no longer blocks everything else from spawning
– Items from Angler are fixed
– Orb projectiles sped up
– Acorns don’t just grow on grass
– Flowers in pots grow to full maturity
– Tempest staff bugs fixed
The team is currently pushing what is possible on 3DS. However, the ability to hammer into stairs is being looked into, along with “a few other treats.”
If you’re a New 3DS owner, you’ll be happy to hear that the new update will allow for larger worlds, which “is likely to be the same as the small world on the PC version.”
“Not only will this give you a bigger canvas for your adventure, it will also help us eliminate the occasional worldgen issues that can happen when you try to squash all of the parts of a Terraria world into a smaller space. The enhanced specifications of New 3DS makes this possible! Do note that players will not then be able to invite original 3DS gamers into these larger worlds. We didn’t take the decision to offer split content between original and New 3DS lightly, but we’ve maxed out the older unit and we felt like there was still more to give to Nintendo handheld gamers. All 3DS units will be eligible for the update, but only New 3DS players will see the benefit of larger worlds.”
More: 505 Games, Re-Logic, Terraria, title update
Hyrule Warriors (version 1.11.0) / Legends (version 1.5.0) patch notes
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 6 Comments
Alongside new DLC, new updates were issued for both Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends earlier today. The two games are now at versions 1.11.0 and 1.5.0 respectively.
Nintendo has now made the full patch notes available. Head past the break to see them in full.
New Pokemon GO update live (version 1.5.0 / 0.35.0), Niantic working on “new and exciting features”
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 11 Comments
Update (8/23): Niantic’s site post indicated that the new Pokemon GO update was available yesterday, but it looks like it took a bit longer than expected to fully roll out. It should be fully available on both iOS and Android now.
Original (8/22): A new Pokemon GO update can now be downloaded on all devices. The new version is 0.35.0 for Android and 1.5.0 for iOS.
The big addition this time around is the Pokemon Appraisal. Here’s the lowdown on that:
“Trainers will now be able to learn about a Pokémon’s attack and defense capabilities from their Team Leader (Candela, Blanche or Spark) to determine which of their Pokémon have the most potential for battle.”
Niantic also says there are “Minor bot fixes” with today’s update.
It’s also worth mentioning that the company says it’s “still working hard on several new and exciting features to come in the future”.
More: Niantic, Pokemon GO, title update, top
Dragon Ball: Fusions to receive free updates, first one this fall
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Bandai Namco and Ganbarion still have more in store for Dragon Ball: Fusions. After the initial launch earlier in the month, free updates are in the works.
Dragon Ball: Fusions’ first update is planned for the fall. A new stage will be added, which features space-time rifts when Wi-Fi waves are found.
Pokemon GO receives new server-side update, brings about a few changes
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 2 Comments
Pokemon GO doesn’t have a new patch to download, but users have noticed that a server-side update has been pushed out. Reddit user NaestaChalmers provides a summary of what’s been detected thus far:
– New movesets for some Pokemon (confirmed by Game_Master file)
– Dodging changed to general max. 75% damage evasion (confirmed by Game_Master file)
– Regional spawn rates increased heavily (confirmed by obvious observations)
– Increased potion drop rates (highly likely due to multiple observations and testing)
– Rare spawn increase in general (highly likely due to multiple observations)
– Faster egg hatch updates (likely due to observations and minor tests – needs more testing)
– Nest changes, needs to be further elaborated (unlikely: some observations but no general evidence, most did not change)
Niantic is committed to updating Pokemon GO on a regular basis. A new iOS and Android patch will likely go live in the near future.
More: Niantic, Pokemon GO, title update
Typoman dev wants to bring new “Revised” version to Wii U, but has limited resources
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Typoman started off as a Wii U exclusive last year. Developer Brainseed Factory has since been bringing the game to additional platforms under the name “Typoman: Revised”.
As the name suggests, several improvements and changes have been made based on player feedback. The hint system is gone, many segments were designed (such as boss battles), and the controls were updated.
With Typoman starting out on Wii U, some have been hoping that those who bought the game on that platform would have access to the new version. It’s something that Brainseed wants to accomplish, but promises can’t be made yet due to limited resources.
The studio recently wrote on Twitter:
@brainseed_fcty it's on our todo list and we'd love to release Typoman: Revised on the Wii U but can't promise yet due to limited resources.
— Brainseed Factory (@brainseed_fcty) August 16, 2016
More: Brainseed Factory, Headup Games, indie, title update, Typoman
Hot Rod Racer update adding a new mode
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Hot Rod Racer will soon be receiving its first patch. In the update, ZeNfA Productions will be introducing a new mode that features a health system.
Here’s the news from the developer’s Twitter page:
The 1st Patch for Hot Rod Racer is almost done. This will introduce a new mode, where you have a health system! Classic Mode still exist too
— ZeNfA Productions (@ZeNfAGames) August 15, 2016
More: Hot Rod Racer, indie, title update, ZeNfA Productions
Pokemon GO version 1.3.1 out now
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 2 Comments
A new version of Pokemon GO is now available to download. Version 1.3.1 is out now.
Unlike the most recent update, this one is fairly minor in nature. The official patch notes mention stability improvements. It also says that there are “No text fixes”.
We’re aware that Pokemon GO version 1.3.1 has been pushed out to iOS users. Android users should presumably have it shortly as well.