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Along with newly-revealed Pokemon, a returning feature has been confirmed for Sun/Moon. We now know that it will be possible to ride Pokemon in the two games. You can see how this looks in Sun/Moon through the screenshot above.

Here are a couple of other random screenshots shared today:



Yesterday, seven new Pokemon leaked for Pokemon Sun/Moon. That prompted The Pokemon Company to release a new trailer for the game showing each creature officially. We now have the English equivalent of the video, posted below.

Splatoon will be receiving its latest update next week. Version 2.9.0 will be going out during the evening of July 5 in North America, and the early morning hours of July 6 in Europe.

After applying the update, players will be able to use the new Callie and Marie amiibo. Weapons are being balanced, a small stage adjustment will be implemented, and there will be some multiplayer bug fixes.

Head past the break for the full patch notes for Splatoon version 2.9.0. Note that 373MB of free space will be required for the update.

Update: Nintendo has sent out the following statement which officially confirms Mofitt’s departure:

“Scott Moffitt, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing, has decided to leave Nintendo of America. In order to ensure a smooth transition, Scott will continue to work through the end of July. Nintendo has a strong group of seasoned leaders in place who will step in to assume the full responsibilities of the role on a permanent basis, with the objective of driving more collaboration and greater efficiencies across these groups and among the respective leaders. We thank Scott for his years of service and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.”

Scott Mofitt joined Nintendo in 2011. IGN is now reporting that the company’s executive VP of sales and marketing is departing this summer.

According to IGN’s sources, Moffitt and Nintendo’s split was “amicable.” While the executive VP of sales and marketing position has been around since 2011, it’s now apparently being retired. Various Nintendo employees will assume the responsibilities of the role going forward.


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Retail

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens – $49.99

Wii U Download

Invanoid – $1.49
Prism Pets – $2.99

Wii U Demo


Wii U Virtual Console

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars – $7.99

3DS Retail

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens – $29.99
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma – $39.99

3DS Download

BoxBoxBoy! – $4.99
The Battle Cats POP! – $9.99

3DS Demos

7th Dragon III Code: VFD
Monster Hunter Generations


Minecraft: Story Mode, A Telltale Game Series – Continue the story with our intrepid heroes in Episodes 2-5, now available for purchase. A Season Pass is also available for purchase, which includes access to all remaining episodes in the Minecraft: Story Mode, A Telltale Game Series game, a five-part episodic game series set in the world of Minecraft.

Hyrule Warriors Legends – Link’s Awakening Pack – Get ready for the next battle! Join the next wave of legendary heroes and continue the fight with new downloadable content. New content available includes playable character Marin from the The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening game, a new weapon for Linkle, a new map for adventure mode, two new Challenge Battles and 16 new My Fairy Costume pieces.

eShop Sales

Wii U

– ZaciSa’s Last Stand is more than 70 percent off (reduced from $3.99 to $1.19) until 8:59 a.m. PT on July 29.
– VoxelMaker is 20 percent off (reduced from $4.99 to $3.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on July 4.


– Etrian Mystery Dungeon, Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan and more games from ATLUS are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on July 11.
– Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! is 25 percent off (reduced from $2.99 to $2.24) until 8:59 a.m. PT on July 21.
– Epic Word Search Collection 2 is 25 percent off (reduced from $7.99 to $5.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on July 7.
– The Delusions of Von Sottendorf and His Squared Mind is more than 35 percent off (reduced from $12.99 to $7.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on July 14.


Nintendo Badge Arcade – Fill your HOME Menu with fun and try out Rhythm Heaven Megamix machines in Nintendo Badge Arcade. Also receive one free play from June 30 to July 3, and another free play from July 4 to July 6! Learn more at

Source: Nintendo PR

Originally we were supposed to get new Pokemon Sun & Moon information tomorrow – however, some leaks happened today and it looks like they force The Pokemon Company’s hand. Either way, take a look at this brand new Japanese trailer:

This confirms the leaked Pokemon and also reveals their typings:

Tapu Koko: Electric / Fairy

Charjabug: Bug / Electric

Vikavolt (confirmed to be Charjabug’s evolution): Bug / Electric

Drampa: Normal / Dragon

Bruxfish: Water / Psychic

Cutiefly: Bug / Fairy

Togedamaru: Electric / Steel

Finally, the trailer reveals that, like 10% Zygarde, 50% Zygarde (the one originally found in X & Y) has an ability that lets it transform into 100% Zygarde in a pinch.

Update: Several Youtube channels have saved and re-uploaded the original videos. This also gave us what are presumably the English names of these Pokemon. We’ve put them past the break.

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon appear to have suffered from a potentially big leak. While not officially confirmed, now-removed video clips show what appear to be a bunch of new Pokemon. Since this does seem legitimate and falls under spoiler territory, we’ve posted the gallery showing the new creatures after the break.

Before Disney Infinity 3.0 was cancelled, there was a lot of content lined up for the game. That included new figures, Play Sets, and more.

One Play Set intended for release was based on the upcoming film Moana. Sadly, no one will ever be able to play it. Thanks to a Kotaku source, We do at least have a look at what the figures and Play Set would have looked like.


Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is finally arriving on the North American Wii U Virtual Console tomorrow, Nintendo’s website reveals. The game will be sold for $7.99.

Here’s an overview:

“A mysterious enemy named Smithy has appeared, forcing Mario and Bowser to fight as allies. Journey across a wide variety of locations and tackle a mixture of obstacles that will require both timing and strategy to overcome. Gain experience, grow more powerful, and meet new characters to use their abilities in taking down Smithy and his gang!”

It’s been a fairly long wait for Super Mario RPG in the states. Japan has had the game since last August, while it released in PAL regions last December.


The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

PS4 – 22,715
New 3DS LL – 18,836
Vita – 11,986
Wii U – 4,358
New 3DS – 3,208
PS3 – 1,141
3DS – 707
3DS LL – 146
Xbox One – 70

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

PS4 – 20,214
New 3DS LL – 18,835
Vita – 11,413
Wii U – 3,870
New 3DS – 2,583
PS3 – 1,061
3DS – 741
3DS LL – 120
Xbox One – 58

And here are the software charts:

1. [3DS] Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns – 100,319 / NEW
2. [PSV] Caligula – 31,243 / NEW
3. [WIU] Minecraft: Wii U Edition – 22,589 / NEW
4. [WIU] Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games – 18,276 / NEW
5. [PSV] Refrain no Chika Meikyuu to Majo no Ryodan – 17,573 / NEW
6. [3DS] Ace Attorney 6 – 11,803 / 233,922
7. [3DS] Taiko Drum Master: Dokodon! Mystery Adventure – 11,695 / 44,064
8. [PS4] Resident Evil: Umbrella Code – 9,095 / NEW
9. [PSV] Dragon Quest Heroes II – 8,598 / 201,937
10. [3DS] Kirby: Planet Robobot – 8,485 / 330,346
11. [PS4] Overwatch – 7,241 / 104,378
12. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 6,200 / 805,070
13. [PS4] Dragon Quest Heroes II – 5,156 / 259,001
14. [WIU] Splatoon – 4,815 / 1,393,400
15. [WIU] Super Mario Maker – 4,504 / 900,619
16. [PS3] Dragon Quest Heroes II – 4,150 / 113,461
17. [3DS] Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games – 4,071 / 178,474
18. [PSV] Chou Ezaru wa Akai Hana: Koi wa Tsuki ni Shirube Kareru – 3,785 / NEW
19. [3DS] Yo-kai Sangokushi – 3,267 / 545,019
20. [PS4] The Walking Dead – 3,184 / NEW


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