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In an interview with Nintendo Life, Ian Flood and David D’Angelo from Yacht Club Games spoke all about Shovel Knight. One prominent topic was the Shovel Knight amiibo.

Speaking about how the figure came to be, the two developers stated:

David D’Angelo: That started in 2014, the possibility of it even happening – what it would look like, what it could do.

David: Yeah, Nintendo said “pitch us on it” when they showed us the New 3DS. We started chatting about ideas with amiibo and they asked us whether we wanted to formally pitch to do an amiibo. That kind of thing is strange, like you’re sending a paper to no-one! But the whole thing was shocking, really, they kept saying let’s move this forward, and we couldn’t believe it was going to happen.

Ian: The excitement leading up to it was something else. What was funny was that we were waiting for the announcement, website, trailer and stuff like that, and retailers kept leaking it. It was tricky to get the information out there. It’s one thing to leak that it’s a thing, but it’s another to leak that it’s in a game series it’s not! There was a lot of information around, and we couldn’t easily say it was wrong without talking about it fully.

Ian: Yeah, we had to say it was a mis-listing, so not denying everything. We had people getting pre-emptively mad about the release date, pricing. All mad at details that were incorrect. We’re pretty receptive online and tried to answer queries.

Ian: So we tried to calm everyone down and put out a definitive update with full details. But that was fun, a few guys were at PAX for the reveal at the Nindies@Night event, and we were all excited that we had prototypes in a box. The guys were keeping them under their coats at the hotel so that we kept a lid on it, yet the whole time that was happening images were online. It was a bubble where the guys at the event were keeping a secret, but EVERYONE in the entire would knew about it.

But still, it was an immensely exciting day with everything coming together.

It’s almost time for another weapon update in Splatoon. In just a few hours from now, the game will be adding the Octobrush Nouveau.

This latest weapon should be going live at the following times:

– 2 AM PT
– 5 AM ET
– 10 AM in the UK
– 11 AM in Europe

View some screenshots of the Octobrush Nouveau below.


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Recently, Japanese website 4Gamer caught up with a few developers to reflect on the passing of Satoru Iwata. Producers from Capcom, Team Ninja, and even Sony Japan Studio talked about the late Nintendo president, and in some cases, shared some of their memories with him.

Here’s an overview of what the different developers spoke about:

Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono (Street Fighter)

– Remembered several anecdotes, happened after the two had several chances to meet after the launch of the 3DS
– Iwata told stories about old gadgets, or about the era of old PC programmed in assembly
– Iwata responded courteously when Ono asked him to sign a cartridge of Balloon Fight he had brought from home
– Another memory: on a return flight from San Francisco, they sat side by side on the plane, talking about games, movies and the entertainment system
– He won’t forget the memory of sharing Iwata’s ideas and thoughtfulness
– Ono was shocked when he heard the news of Iwata-san’s passing,
– Will keep their conversations and the moments in which they dined together and had a chat engraved in his memory, holding them in mind for his life and work in the future

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Molly Maggot – $1.99

Wii U Virtual Console

1080° Snowboarding – $9.99

eShop Sales

Wii U/3DS

– Puzzler World 2013 (Nintendo 3DS), Atlantic Quest (Nintendo 3DS) and more from Maximum Games are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 1.

Wii U

– Runbow is 25 percent off (reduced from $14.99 to $11.25) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 14.
– Santa Factory is more than 65 percent off (reduced from $7.99 to $2.49) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 6
– Blocky Bot and Paper Monsters Recut are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 21.


– ?Nano Assault EX is 25 percent off (reduced from $9.99 to $7.49) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 21.
– Real Heroes Firefighter 3D is 50 percent off (reduced from $9.99 to $4.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 14.
– Castle Conqueror Defender, Demon King Box and more games from Circle Entertainment are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 21.
– Disney Frozen: Olaf’s Quest, Big Hero 6: Battle in the Bay and more games from GameMill Entertainment are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on Feb. 8.


Tips for your new Nintendo system: Did you get a new Nintendo system for the holidays? Make sure to get the most of your new system by playing games featuring your favorite Nintendo characters. Check out our top tips for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS!

Source: Nintendo PR

In a new interview with 4Gamer, Tsunekazu Ishihara talked about how late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata’s vital work helped bring the original Pokemon games to the west. You can read up on the full excerpt below, courtesy of Siliconera’s translation.

4Gamer: I believe there may be more people now that don’t know that Iwata-san was involved in Pokémon.

Ishihara: I think there are even people within Nintendo that don’t even know. 1998 was around the time Iwata-san was working as President of HAL Laboratory.

This week’s Japanese sales numbers include two big milestones for Nintendo. One is all about hardware, and another applies to one specific game.

First, 3DS has sold over 20 million units in Japan. It’s also important to mention that Splatoon has now sold over 1 million copies in the territory. The game likely already reached that number with digital copies included, though Famitsu’s data officially confirms the figure with physical units. It’s a nice way for Nintendo to close out the year!

Well over 20 years ago, Dayvv Brooks worked at Nintendo as a product analyst. One early assignment he had was to take poorly translated Japanese text and making it sound better.

Speaking with Kotaku, Brooks explained how he came up with the names of the different Koopalings, including how Lemmy was inspired by Motörhead rock band founder Lemmy Kilmister.

He said:

“Music has always been a big part of my life. I’ve been a DJ for years and have been a music collector for even longer. When I first saw the group of seven Koopalings, music was on my mind.

The hairstyle on one of them reminded me of Ludwig von Beethoven for some reason and Ludwig von Koopa was born. Next was the one with the glasses—that has to be Roy Koopa in homage to Roy Orbison, who almost always wore glasses. Then Wendy O. Koopa (Wendy O. Williams) [and] Iggy Koopa (Iggy Pop). One looked like a loudmouth, so he was Morton Koopa Jr. from [the] loud-mouthed talk show host Morton Downey Jr. And then there was Larry. There’s no real-world equivalent—he’s not Larry Mullen Jr. from U2 or Larry King—he just looked like a Larry.

That brings us to Lemmy. In addition to being a great name, it’s perfect for a video game character. This Koopaling struck me as being the kind of character who would do his own thing, no matter what anyone else thought. I think it was those crazy eyes. Lemmy Koopa was in the crew.”

Kotaku says that Nintendo had to approve Brooks’ translation ideas, all of which were signed off by the company.


Last week, Super Mario Maker received its 1.30 update. This added some new elements and compatibility with the Bookmark portal site. Today, Nintendo has followed that up with another small patch.

Super Mario Maker’s 1.31 update is now available to download. You can grab it by booting up the game, or wait for it to be downloaded automatically.

Given the small increase in the version number, there’s not too much behind today’s update. Nintendo says some problems have been fixed so that the game can be played more comfortably.


298MB of free space is required to download the update.


Nintendo has released new videos showing off the Birdo and Excitebike costumes in Super Mario Maker. We’ve posted it below.

GameSpot put up a pretty comprehensive feature about PlatinumGames today. That also includes individual staff interviews, such as one that mainly features Star Fox Zero co-director Yusuke Hashimoto.

During the discussion, Hashimoto reflected on the Nintendo content in Bayonetta 2 (spoilers?) and how Platinum ended up working on Star Fox Zero. He also spoke about working with Shigeru Miyamoto’s team and the challenge of making the game fun by using both the TV and the GamePad.

Head past the break for a rundown of Hashimoto’s comments. You can also read GameSpot’s full article here that has a few older quotes.

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