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On Monday, NeoGAF user “Trevelyan9999” posted alleged details regarding NX and Nintendo’s lineup for 2016. I usually tend to be skeptical when it comes to rumors from sources that I’m unfamiliar with or aren’t widely known, so I held off on sharing that on the site. However, new information has since come to light indicating that Trevelyan9999 may have been spot on.

Let’s go over the actual information first. Here’s a look at everything that was posted:

– Zelda Wii U will also be available for NX
– Zelda NX to be a holiday 2016 release either same day as Zelda Wii U or shortly after during the Nintendo NX holiday 2016 launch window
– Nintendo NX launch games for 2016 besides Zelda NX and marketing focus remain hidden for now
– Wii U $34.5 million marketing budget for 2016 total – Zelda Wii U has $10 million with the possibility of the funding being switched to Zelda NX version depending on launch timing in 2016.
– 3DS $56.25 million marketing budget for 2016 total

3DS release list 2016 *Funded by Nintendo only*:

Spring-Early Summer

Mario and Sonic Rio 2016
Nintendo Selects Wave 1
Hyrule Warriors Legends
Disney Art Academy
Bravely Second
Code Name: “Caviar F” (all ages smaller budget game)
Metroid Prime: Federation Force


Nintendo has continued its new retrospective video series for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. Check out the second episode below, which has a few staff members reflecting on the characters and story.

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon were formally announced today. We didn’t receive a whole lot of details other than a release window and information about supported languages. We saw some development footage as well with image snippets, but that was pretty much it.

The official Pokemon site does offer up a couple of extra tidbits about Sun and Moon at least. Both will feature “a new world, new Pokémon, and new adventures to discover”.

By the way, we also have a small note on 3D for those that missed it. It seems that Sun and Moon will have similar functionality as past games. The North American Pokemon Direct said that they’re in 3D, though some areas will also be playable in 3D.


The full presentation for today’s Pokemon Direct has now gone live. If you missed it, you can watch it in full below.

During today’s Pokemon Direct, it was announced that Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS Virtual Console are all compatible with Pokemon Bank. That means any Pokemon you catch in the classic games can eventually be transferred over to Sun and Moon.

Following yesterday’s leak via European trademarks, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon have been officially announced. Both were just revealed via a special Pokemon Direct broadcast.

No actual gameplay was shown – instead we were treated to sneak peaks of quick development footage. However, we do know that the two games will be launching around the world this holiday on 3DS. English, Italian, French, Spanish, Korean, German, and Japanese languages will be supported along with traditional and simplified Chinese.

Today’s Pokemon Direct will begin one hour from now. We’ve embedded the live stream below, similar to past presentations.

Since the broadcast will only last five (update: six) minutes, we’ve decided that a live blog wouldn’t make much sense. However, any major news will be added to the site immediately.

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

6180 the moon – $3.99
Inside My Radio – $14.99
REPLAY : VHS is not dead – $9.99
Smart Adventures – Mission Math – $2.99
Volcanic Field 2 – $1.99

Wii U Virtual Console

Medabots AX: Metabee – $6.99
Medabots AX: Rokusho – $6.99

Wii U Demo

LEGO Marvel’s Avengers


Minecraft: Wii U Edition – Free Update and DLC – Players of the Minecraft: Wii U Edition game can now add even more fun with a massive free update and new DLC available for purchase in Nintendo eShop. This update adds some anticipated Minecraft features, including a long list of new potions, blocks, mobs and biomes. From the Redwood forests of Mega-Taiga to the vastness of the Deep Ocean, you´ll get to build, play and explore new biomes that will offer a great canvas for your creations. Players can also purchase the new Biome Settlers Skin pack, which brings 24 new settler characters into the game and even more biome-themed skins they can use to role-play with their friends.

3DS Retail

Mega Man Legacy Collection – $14.99
Return to Popolocrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale – $39.99

3DS Download

Toy Defense – $3.99
Sadame – $14.99

3DS Virtual Console

Pokemon Blue Version – $9.99 (available Saturday)
Pokemon Red Version – $9.99 (available Saturday)
Pokemon Yellow Special Pikachu Edition – $9.99 (available Saturday)


Fire Emblem Fates – New DLC Maps – Two new maps are available to download in Fire Emblem Fates for $2.49 each: Boo Camp and Beach Brawl.

Fire Emblem Fates – Map Pack 1 –As a reminder, anyone can purchase Map Pack 1 for $17.99 to get access to 11 DLC maps plus bonus content as it is released weekly through April 21. Map Pack 1 content is priced at more than $24 when purchased individually.

3DS Themes

Mega Man “Stage Select”
Mega Man vs. Dr. Wily!

eShop Sales

Wii U/3DS

– Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS) is 50 percent off (reduced from $9.99 to $4.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on March 1.
– Jewel Match 3, Joe’s Diner and more games from Joindots are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on March 10.

Wii U

– Keytari: 8-Bit Music Maker is more than 35 percent off (reduced from $7.99 to $4.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on March 5.
– Land it Rocket is more than 45 percent off (reduced from $2.99 to $1.59) until 8:59 a.m. PT on March 3.
– Defense Dome and SDK Paint from Hullbreach Studios are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on March 3.


?- Kami and Witch & Hero from Circle Entertainment are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on March 10.
– Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! is 25 percent off (reduced from $2.99 to $2.24) until 8:59 a.m. PT on March 17.
– Bloo Kid 2 is 50 percent off (reduced from $3.99 to $1.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on March 17.

Source: Nintendo PR

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon are in development, trademark filings from Europe reveal. Both listings just popped up in the database today and were filed by Nintendo.

A brief Pokemon Direct presentation will be hosted at around this time tomorrow. We should hear more about both of these games then.


Source, Via

Nintendo has kicked off a new retrospective video series for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. Check out the first episode below, which has a few staff members looking back at the initial reveal and development.

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