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We finally have some insight into Xenoblade Chronicles X’s online support. First, up to 32 players can be passively connected to exchange strategic information or items. Xenoblade Chronicles X will also allow four players to take on quests together. This information comes directly from the eShop.


Xenoblade Chronicles X may ultimately end up as the Wii U’s largest game. Via a listing on the eShop, it’s confirmed that the game takes up 22.7GB of space to download.


Nintendo has opened the Japanese website for Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. You can find it here.

One interesting note: the page confirms that amiibo will be supported. amiibo (or StreetPass) can be used to obtain tokens, which can be used to draw lots for Collection Mode.


That didn’t take long! We now have a look at what’s included in the Japanese Xenoblade Chronicles X Wii U bundle. Nintendo is including a copy of the game, 32GB Wii U console, black GamePad, Xenoblade Chronicles X art book, special map, and a specially-designed 1,000 yen pre-paid card. Check out an image showing off the bundle above.


It was revealed during today’s Japanese Xenoblade Chronicles X presentation that a bundle for the game is in the works. No photos were shared, but it’s been confirmed that the package will cost 35,000 yen. Xenoblade Chronicles X will also be a game that makes use of the Wii U’s pre-load functionality.


Today’s Xenoblade Chronicles X presentation will kick off at 8 AM ET / 5 AM ET / 10 PM Japan time (five hours from now). You can watch it in full through the live stream below.

Depending on how things go, this post may act as a live blog as well. We’ll see. If that happens, updates will be posted underneath the embedded stream.

– Trailer translation 1: Open number 8. You’re still alive. Are you okay? Don’t push it. You just woke up. You’re the only one to wake up. I’m Elma
– Trailer translation 2: Our journey from Earth was suddenly cut short. We had to make an emergency landing. This is the planet we landed on. It’s still untamed.
– NLA: industrial area, at the entrance; lots of weaponized machinery is made here
– Commercial area: lots of people gather here. Elma likes to go shopping.
– Residential area: where everyone lives
– BLADE area: military’s headquarters. Lots of weapons and equipment can be bought and stored here.
– Blades are the police and military, protecting the city. They’re also used in recon.
– Life is the support system. Some life pods broke off.
– Need to go find life pods scattered across the world to recover survivors.
– Lin will explain the Frontier Net. Your position is shown.
– The shining beam is a Frontier Spot, where you can gather information from data probes. They collect info about the places you set them.
– This probe found a treasure nearby. Each area’s objectives are revealed through the data probes. Find 100% of the objectives!
– As you place probes, the dialogue of NLA residents will be expanded. Quests can be undertaken from NLA residents or directly from BLADE
– If you succeed in your quests, you’ll be handsomely rewarded. Be sure to clear them. Relationships between characters expand by interacting.
– Planet Mira is still largely unexplored, and there’s lots of room to explore. Tatsu will continue explaining. There are several continents.
– NLA is on the grassland continent. Next is the Night Light Forest continent. Then, the Forgotten Canyon. They’re all huge. The White Forest.
– Finally, the Black Steel continent. It’s a volcanic area. It’s really huge! Tatsu keeps saying the continents are huge. He can’t help it.
– There are so many locations in each continent that they can’t all be explained. Each has a number of landmarks, secret areas, and vistas.
– Did you think traveling would be a hassle? You can dash, jump, and skip travel to data probes you’ve placed. Navigation Ball helps the lost.
– If you get a Doll (mech), you can travel even faster by transforming into a vehicle or taking to the sky. Find new areas to explore.
– Dolls can’t just be used by anyone, only certified BLADE members. Creatures of Planet Mira. There are many different kinds, big and small.
– It’s best to avoid creatures that are far above your level. Watch out for obards. Creatures with special names require caution.
– Alien species, friendly and hostile, can be interacted with. Our objective is to seek out the Life Points. Sometimes we have to fight.
– Next time, we’ll teach you the skills you’ll need for survival.


Japanese outlet Nikkei reports in a new piece published today that “Nintendo’s comeback strategy includes expanding customer choice by adding more affordable software titles”. Nikkei recently spoke with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, and was told that the company “plans to re-create games for the Nintendo 3DS portable system based on past titles and smartphone offerings.” By keeping development costs low, Nintendo can provide content “at prices as low as several hundred yen.”

Nikkei was also told that there will be a larger emphasis on trial versions/demos. The thinking behind this is that consumers will become more aware of new games and could become interested in purchasing the full product.

Iwata additionally mentioned that most recent 3DS sales saw a dip since the New 3DS is not debuting until next month in North America and Europe. That said, Nintendo has no plans to lower prices of its systems anytime soon.

Iwata said: “We aim to return to profit levels more typical of the company in the year ending March 2017.” According to Nikkei, Iwata suggested “that the market and shareholders anticipate 100 billion yen ($845 million).



North American Club Nintendo members were supposed to receive codes for Flipnote Studio 3D sometime this week, but those plans have now been delayed. The rewards section of the website now states: “For Flipnote Studio 3D, please check your To-Do list to receive your download code later this month.” An exact date has not yet been provided.

Thanks to Ryan H for the tip.

All signs have pointed to XSEED’s localization of Forbidden Magna, but now we have yet another clue (essentially a confirmation) hinting at an upcoming announcement. The ESRB has rated XSEED’s “Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven” for 3DS.

Here’s the full rating description:

This is a role-playing game in which players help an innkeeper assist a maiden to regain her memories. From a 3/4 over-head perspective, players explore landscapes, interact with characters, and battle fantasy creatures (e.g., dinosaur, gargoyles, robots). Players use swords, guns, and magic spells to defeat enemy creatures in turn-based combat. Battles are accompanied by mild explosions and impact sounds. One sequence depicts a character impaled by a sword. The game contains some suggestive material: a bath house sequence depicting female characters with exposed buttocks and/or partially obscured breasts; a female character scrubbing another character’s breasts; dialogue pertaining to breast size (e.g., “You really lucked out when filling out, huh” and “I wished mine were that big.”). The word “a*s” can be heard in the game.

There’s no doubt about it: that’s Forbidden Magna. Expect an official announcement in the near future!


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