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A few of Target’s Black Friday 2013 deals have been revealed in the form of a preview. While there isn’t too much to see just yet, it appears that a discount will be available for the 3DS XL. Target will be selling the system for $150 later this month for $50 savings.


Treyarch has been making the Nintendo versions of Call of Duty games for years now.

For the Wii U Call of Duty releases, a specific team inside the studio handles all aspects of development. The group started out as a Wii team, but turned into a Wii U team for the creation of Black Ops II. Ghosts was also made by the same set of staffers.

When asked who created Call of Duty: Ghosts for Wii U, Infinity Ward’s Mark Rubin said:

Treyarch. Treyarch has a Wii U team specifically for just doing Wii U. That’s all they do. They only do the Wii U games for every title. It was a Wii team that turned into a Wii U team. But still, yeah, five platforms.


Senran Kagura Burst will launch in North America on November 14, XSEED has announced. Pricing is set at $29.99. The game will be available as a download on the eShop.

You can find the newly opened website here. Screenshots are posted above.

Source: XSEED PR

Marth’s look has seen a fairly significant update in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS. Let’s take a look at the differences between the models found in Brawl and the upcoming games, shall we?

Check it out below:


Kotaku has published a new preview for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, and we’ve rounded up the details below. There aren’t really any spoilers here, so you don’t have to worry across coming information that could affect your experience. Read on below for the information.

– Wallet limitations removed
– Don’t need most weapons right away
– New dungeons seem to require just one new one at a time
– Obtaining multiple weapons you don’t need yet, you’ll be able to access a lot of otherwise inaccessible areas
– Once again, Ravio takes away rented items if you die
– Something that cost 50 Rupees to rent will cost 400 to buy
– You can buy items you don’t need yet, but you won’t lose them if you die
– Early dungeon entrances are marked with icons that indicate which item you’ll need in the dungeon
– Fast-travel options let you quickly get back to Ravio’s shop to grab the object you need
– Game seems to have some sort of rapping character
– Place up to 20 pins on the main map to mark things you’re interested in and may want to return to
– Can’t draw scribble notes on the map
– Many songs are remixes of A Link To The Past
– Nintendo has “done something fun with bees”


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