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The latest Japanese hardware sales from Famitsu are as follows:

It’s been a long time coming, but after existing for decades exclusively on the Nintendo 64, GoldenEye 007 has finally been rereleased on modern platforms! In this week’s episode of Nintendo Everything Refresh, we’ll discuss the long-awaited return of this classic first-person shooter and whether it can live up to the nostalgia that so many players have! We’ll chat about a handful of the many games announced for Switch last week, including a surprise port of Life Is Strange 2, the next game in the SteamWorld franchise, and much more!

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Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak update 4

Capcom just announced a release date for the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak free title update 4 (version 14). As revealed during the latest Monster Hunter Digital Event, it will be available on February 7, 2023.

There’s a ton that’s planned here, including the return of the Elder Dragon Velkhana from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne plus Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax. That’s along with new Anomaly Research content, more items at Bahari’s Anomaly Research Lab, more Event Quests, the latest DLC, and more.

LEGO Zelda

Rumor has it that The Legend of Zelda could be the next major collaboration between Nintendo and LEGO.

A few days ago, JeanGreyForever posted information on the Eurobricks Forums about a potential new set. Promobricks has since received clarification that the details came from images spotted in a paid marketing survey.

Hogwarts Legacy Switch update

Hogwarts Legacy is about to make its debut, but the Switch version will have to wait a bit longer. In fact, we actually don’t really know much about the game on Nintendo’s console. It should have just about all of the same content as other platforms, but some ports on the system can be hit or miss when it comes to technical performance.

Troy Johnson, a designer on the game, does at least seem to have high hopes. Johnson was asked about the Switch version of Hogwarts Legacy in an interview with Italian site Multiplayer, and shared the following:

Switch Game Vouchers

Original (1/30): Switch Game Vouchers have been missing in North America for quite some time, but it seems that they could be returning in the near future.

Nintendo briefly published a video, which has since been pulled, and it came with the thumbnail above. The description stated how those with a paid membership to Switch Online can redeem them for a digital game in the voucher catalog, allowing consumers to save a bit of cash.

Sonic next game future

Sonic Frontiers director Morio Kishimoto has been answering more fan questions on Twitter, and has shared some interesting insight into the future of the series. Tails Channel was kind enough to round up some of the more important tidbits.

It sounds like work on the next major Sonic game has started. There are some things SEGA is keeping in mind for the future such as more playable characters, a better story, avoiding repetition of previous Sonic levels, and expanded combat.

Here’s the full roundup:

E3 2023 ESA statement

ESA has shared a statement regarding E3 2023 in light of yesterday’s report that Nintendo will not be attending the event – along with PlayStation and Xbox.

The organization declined to comment on which companies will be appearing. However, the ESA did say that it has “made strong progress in reshaping the event” while also acknowledging that a proper revival “was always going to have its challenges” given how the coronavirus pandemic heavily impacted things over the past three years.

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PowerWash Simulator Final Fantasy VII Midgar Special Pack

Square Enix has revealed another collaboration for PowerWash Simulator, this time with Final Fantasy VII known as Midgar Special Pack.

The new content will have players polishing familiar places and enemies such as Seventh Heaven and Guard Scorpion. Further information hasn’t been provided, but we at least have the teaser image above.

SpongeBob SquarePants Cosmic Shake review

System: Switch
Release date: January 31, 2023
Developer: Purple Lamp
Publisher: THQ Nordic

Of all the platforming juggernauts that come to mind when I recall the early 2000s, SpongeBob SquarePants is not among them. In 2020, THQ released a remake of Battle for Bikini Bottom – a 2003 game in every sense of the word. After selling over two million copies, it landed us with an all new spiritual sequel to that game in the form of SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake. The main hurdle this sequel has to overcome is being unshackled from the weapons-grade nostalgia that propelled its predecessor to success. To be fair to The Cosmic Shake, this is a difficult act to follow. How exactly do you craft a follow-up to a remake of a twenty year old game? Developer Purple Lamp has two decades of platformers to draw inspiration from, and the one it chooses to wear on its sleeve is unfortunately the remake that preceded it.

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