Kirby Triple Deluxe launches May 16 in Europe
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, News | 0 Comments
Iwata specifically mentioned “in Europe” for this one, so it seems like it’s specific to that region. May 16th for Kirby Triple Deluxe in Europe!
More: Europe, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Nintendo Direct, top
EA CFO Blake Jorgensen says mobile gaming won’t kill consoles
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment

EA CFO Blake Jorgensen talked briefly about the role of smart-device (“mobile”) gaming in the culture of video gaming as a whole at the Stifel Tech, Internet, & Media Conference this past week, saying that he believes the two core experiences– mobile and console– to be fundamentally different, though they can compliment each other:
– Electronic Arts CFO Blake Jorgensen
He also said that most of the experiences people desire on consoles can’t be replicated on mobile devices yet, like the 64-player online battles in Battlefield 4. “Mobile is a much more quick, short burst of gameplay.”
Via Gamespot
More: Blake Jorgensen, EA
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 79!
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 1 Comment
ON THIS EPISODE: It’s up late, but we still have Laura talking a tiny bit about Broken Sword on iOS, Austin discussing the great boss design of Oracle of Ages, Jack brings up Super Paper Mario yet again and talks about Umihare Kawase for a second.
PLUS: We have a brief discussion about whether games should always be fun or efficient, as well as going over regular news and a bunch of listener mail!
AND: We’re really sorry about this episode. You might just want to skip it.
This Week’s Podcast Crew: Austin, Jack, and Laura
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Thing: Where’s a podcast!? Technical problems cause a delay and possible cancellation of episode 79. :(
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Site updates | 3 Comments
edit: Nevermind, Laura saved the day. Podcast will be up tomorrow!
Hey guys, it’s Austin! I’m writing a thing here to let you know that the episode we recorded of “Here’s a Podcast” (which was episode 79) this weekend doesn’t seem to want to play– or is perhaps corrupted– on my computer here. I’m trying to recover the file itself, but the nature of the recording this week was weirder than normal so it’s proving a bit difficult. With any luck we’ll have it for you tomorrow, but if we can’t get it back then we’ll have to miss our first ever week of the show. Jack, Laura, and myself apologize from the bottom of our endlessly deep hearts.
Disney Interactive profits jump by 600 percent amid Disney Infinity success
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Nintendo, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 Comments
We’ve got some financial news for you today, this time from the Disney corner of the market: Disney Interactive’s Disney Infinity game– the Skylanders-inspired toy-based adventure sandbox– is raking in a ton of money, taking company profits from about $9 million at this time last year to $55 million in the last three months of 2013. Here are the full details:
– Disney games division brought in $403 million in revenue
– 38% increase in sales year-over-year
– Disney Infinity is the primary driver of this
– Profits are up by $46 million over this time last year
– $9 million in profit in FY3/2013 vs. $55 million in profit in FY3/2014.
More: Disney Infinity, Disney Interactive, sales
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U screenshot (02/06/14)
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Screenshots, Wii U | 2 Comments
Along with the above screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message via Miiverse:
Pic of the day. It is said that the cosmos is beneath Rosalina’s gown. This was actually featured briefly in her debut video.
Deaf composer Mamoru Samuragochi (Resident Evil) paid someone else to write music for him, but still took credit
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
After losing his hearing in the last 90s and being hailed as the “Japanese Beethoven”, it turns out that composer Mamoru Samuragochi didn’t actually directly compose a good chunk of the songs he’s most famous for, including the soundtrack to 2001’s Onimushu: Warlords and the critically acclaimed “Hiroshima Symphony No. 1”, a piece dedicated to the victims of the atomic bombings of 1945. Instead, Samuragochi-san paid someone else to do the actually writing process while he fed them vague musical ideas.
It’s not quite clear how involved or disassociated he was with the actual writing, but the details we have do make it seem as though he primarily gave a vague interpretation of what he wanted and let the other person do most of the raw composition work. A statement from Samuragochi-san’s solicitor read as follows: “He knows he could not possibly make any excuse for what he has done. He is mentally distressed and not in a condition to properly express his own thoughts.”
Japan Times via EuroGamer
More: Capcom, Mamoru Samuragochi, Resident Evil
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U screenshot (02/04/14) – Lucario gameplay details
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News, Screenshots, Wii U | 0 Comments
Along with this screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message via Miiverse:
Pic of the day. When Lucario shoots out Aura from its hands to fly with ExtremeSpeed, you can control its flight direction. If Lucario’s Aura is fully charged, it can fly extremely far, so be careful not to accidentally launch out of the area.
Capcom producer says that globally-involved companies that “only know Japan” aren’t well-positioned to accomplish anything
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, News | 9 Comments
Capcom is a company that has been trying for a while to dig itself out of financial trouble, and today prestigious producer from the company Yoshinori Ono has said that he believes companies that are only focused on understanding Japan simply can’t succeed worldwide anymore:
“The challenge for us now is determining the best way to adapt our approach for delivering services in each regional market. In Japan, for example, home video game consoles enjoy the same amount of popularity among gamers as smartphones and computers. On the other hand, there is little need to focus on game consoles in other Asian countries because they are only used by hardcore gamers. We do intend to continue marketing titles aimed at hardcore gamers, but in general our primary focus in the Asia is building up the market for online games.”
“Home video games are the most popular in the North America and Europe, so in that sense it’s like a larger version of the Japanese market. But recently the income gap has widened in certain areas, and there are differences in the attitudes people have towards games, so we need to adapt our services to fit the needs of each group. People involved in global business development who only know Japan have no real hope of accomplishing anything. To offer services adapted to each region, you need to take an active interest in regions outside Japan, and make an effort to understand their local customs and culture.”
– Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono
More: Capcom
“Team Meat” got their name after Nintendo called them that in a press release
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Nintendo, News | 0 Comments
What happens when your company doesn’t have a name yet, but you’re trying to release a game on a proper video game platform? If the platform-holder is Nintendo, apparently they just make up a name for you! The following comes from Team Meat’s (Super Meat Boy dev) Edmund McMillen:
We didn’t name ourselves. We were just given the name by Nintendo in a random press release and we were just like, ‘Yeah, okay’. Somebody asked what the names were that we thought of before and we realised that we never talked about it! We never discussed anything, we just became Team Meat. I think it’s fine — it works. I mean, it’s kind of an honour, right?
Sort of a funny tale in retrospect, since most people know that as their official title and likely assumed that it was chosen by the developers themselves. Nintendo creates another gaming icon… sort of. You can read more from the guys over at Team Meat (who are really cool) in an interview with the print/pdf version of GamesTM magazine.