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Last week Capcom shared gameplay footage of their RnD team taking on newly revealed monster Lunagaron in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, with the promise of additional gameplay footage of Seregios to come. That promise has now been fulfilled, as a new video has been uploaded via Twitter, which shows off the returning monster as well as the Gunlance and Great Sword weapons.

You can find out more about the game and see the new video below:

Announced last year at Gamescom, publisher Digerati have announced today that FPS Severed Steel will arrive on Switch next month, July 21. The Switch version will include all core game content currently featured in the PC version: Campaign, Firefight, and New Game + modes, 42 levels, 27 weapons, 5 arm cannons, and 22 game modifying mutators. It will not include the level editor, however. The game will be available physically as well as digitally via the eShop.

Here’s an overview of the game, courtesy of Digerati:

The Pokemon Company have updated their corporate website with their latest sales figures for the year end March 2022. As of that date, they report total sales of over 440 million units of Pokemon-related software, which is an increase of 60 million units when compared to last year’s figures. We know that of these figures, at least 12.64 million copies of Pokemon Legends: Arceus were sold, as well as 14.65 million copies of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl. With the worldwide release of Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet scheduled for November 18 this year, it’s likely that these numbers will only continue to grow.

They also reported over 43.2 billion cards have been produced, an increase of just over 9 billion from the previous year.

This report follows their recent financial earnings reports for the previous year, which show that all of its numbers essentially doubled on the previous year.


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Nintendo continues to share information about Splatoon 3, this time drawing attention to its Turf Wars gameplay mode and how this works in a new Youtube Shorts video.

Here’s some more information about the game:


James Turner, best known as the Art Director for Pokemon Sword and Shield, announced the formation of a new game studio, All Possible Futures, and also confirmed that because of this he has left Game Freak.

Having now shown off the game’s various locales and given some small details regarding the plot and characters, Nintendo are now focusing on the music of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and have shared the track “A Life Sent On” via Twitter. The flute track is played by Noah and Mio, and has been featured in part in previous trailers.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 will launch next month, on July 29.

Ahead of the release of Monster Hunter Rise’s Sunbreak expansion on June 30, Capcom have shared some new gameplay footage on Twitter of their RnD team tackling one of the new monsters that will feature in the expansion, Lunagaron. The footage showcases the monster’s attacks, as well as gameplay for the Charge Blade and Heavy Bowgun weapons. The tweet promises gameplay footage of Seregios will follow.

Here’s some more information on Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

Developer Bedtime Digital Games have released a new trailer for Figment 2: Creed Valley, which was first confirmed for Switch eShop release last year during the Indie World Showcase. The trailer shows off some gameplay and draws attention to the Discarded Opinion Song which accompanies it, which reflects all of The Mind’s rejected ideas.

Learn more about the game and check out the trailer below:

Ahead of its release tomorrow, gameplay footage has emerged for Metal Max Xeno Reborn. A total of 35 minutes are available for viewing.

You can find out more about the game and see the footage below:

Ahead of its release on Switch eShop next month, gameplay footage for sports action game Super UFO Fighter has emerged. A total of 25 minutes of the game are available.

You can find out more about the game and check this out below:

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