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Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin

Capcom has shared a new trailer for the next major update in Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin. The game is adding a co-op quest exclusive monster Kulve Taroth as well as Hellblade Glavenus and Boltreaver Astalos.

Here’s the video:

Nintendo logo

At the start of 2018, Nintendo filed a lawsuit against White Cat Project developer Colopl. The legal battle has now drawn to a close. 

The two sides have reached a settlement, and Colopl will pay Nintendo 3.3 billion yen. Colopl will pay for future licenses for use of Nintendo’s patent as well.

Nintendo filed the lawsuit originally after claiming that five tech patents were violated, including the use of a touch panel to manipulate a joystick.

Source, Via

Fire Emblem Heroes

A new update is here for Fire Emblem Heroes. On both iOS and Android, version 5.8.0 has been made available.

The update includes n New tactical retreat and Reset features for the Arena, the Heroes Journey event, Feh Pass Loyalty Perks, and more. We have additional information below.

New Pokemon Snap version 2.0.0 update

The big update for New Pokemon Snap has officially gone live. Nintendo is now distributing version 2.0.0.

As previously mentioned, the update is highlighted by the addition of three new areas and twenty new Pokemon. Continue on below for the full patch notes.

World War Z

World War Z has received an updated release window on Switch. The game is heading to the platform this fall, Koch Media and Saber Interactive have announced.

Note that World War Z on Switch includes all content from the Game of the Year Edition.

Here’s an overview of World War Z for those that missed our previous coverage:

Axiom Verge 2

Axiom Verge 2 could be just on the horizon. Update data has surfaced on Nintendo’s servers, which suggests that the game might be launching very soon.

We’ve seen some Switch games that were leaked in a similar manner. Fortnite, Paladins, and Strange Brigade are among the titles that have been outed after update data was uploaded to Nintendo’s servers.

Clea 2

A new update has been made available for Clea 2, and it’s a notable one. The game is now at version 1.4.

This week’s update adds Clea’s Quest as an unlockable bonus mode, includes improved performance, and more. Head past the break for the full patch notes.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel: Saikyo Battle Royale!!

Nintendo has updated the Japanese release schedule on its platforms for the week of August 12, 2021. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:


Dragon Star Varnir

Dragon Star Varnir, Idea Factory and Compile Heart’s RPG, has landed on Switch in the west. We have plenty of footage in the video below.

For more on Dragon Star Varnir, check out our previous coverage here.

Pokemon GO Galar region Pokemon

Niantic has announced that new creatures from Pokemon Sword/Shield will soon be added to Pokemon GO. Zacian and Zamazenta will be appearing in their Hero of Many Battles forms, and we’ll also be seeing Skwovet, Greedent, Wooloo, Dubwool, and Falinks. Players may also encounter a Shiny Galarian Meowth, a Shiny Galarian Farfetch’d, a Shiny Galarian Weezing, or a Shiny Galarian Stunfisk if they’re lucky enough.

Below is some additional information:

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