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A special episode of Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has been published on Nintendo’s YouTube page. In the video, several new and upcoming games are showcased for Switch to promote BitSummit 2017 coming this weekend. Cat Quest, She Remembered Caterpillars, and Nine Parchments from Frozenbyte are just some of the new titles revealed for the platform. Check out the full video below.

UNIQLO is now selling the special t-shirts based on its contest collaboration with Nintendo. Various clothing is up for grabs featuring the designs of various winners. Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and more all all represented.

You can order the t-shirts on UNIQLO’s website here. These designs should also start to appear in stores tomorrow.


The team behind Drool stopped by Reddit today to answer questions from fans about Switch’s new game Thumper. Brian Gibson and Marc Flury, the studio’s two developers, attended the Reddit AMA. Fans asked Gibson and Flury about how long it took to port Thumper to Switch and the challenges involved, the possibility of a demo, ideas that were cut during original development, and more.

We’ve posted these excerpts below. For the full AMA, head on over here.

Amazon has a sizable update on LEGO City Undercover for Switch. It’s down to $39.99, meaning you can save $20 with a purchase. You can place an order here.

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The final bit of news stemming from this month’s NPD report concerns platform-specific sales. Over on GamesBeat, the site has published a listing of the top sellers in the US on Switch and 3DS for the month of April. Additionally, we have the lineup of the best-selling games of 2017 so far. Head past the break for the full results.

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April 2017 was an extremely good month for Nintendo sales. In the U.S., the company not only owned the top spot in gaming hardware sales, but the second position as well.

As we know, Switch was the overall top seller. Right behind it though is the NES Classic Edition.

Nintendo is no longer producing the NES Classic Edition. The platform has been phased out worldwide, and April was the final month for shipments.


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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

NPD Group has released a listing of the top twenty best-selling games in the U.S. for the month of April 2017. The results can be found below.

  1. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe*
  2. Persona 5*
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild*
  4. MLB 17: The Show
  5. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands
  6. Grand Theft Auto V
  7. Mass Effect: Andromeda
  8. NBA 2K17
  9. Overwatch**
  10. Call of Duty: Black Ops II
  11. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
  12. Horizon Zero Dawn
  13. Lego City Undercover
  14. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix
  15. Lego Worlds
  16. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege
  17. Battlefield 1
  18. For Honor
  19. Nier: Automata
  20. Minecraft

*Does not include digital sales
** sales not includes


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Digital Foundry has taken an in-depth look at the newly-released Switch game Thumper.

On Switch, it runs at a full 1080p docked and 720p handheld resolution as promised. It also maintains a steady 60 frames per second. Thumper may have lost some effects from the PlayStation 4 version, but many will likely be unaware that they’re missing in the first place. Digital Foundry also has high praise for the anti-aliasing used on Switch and the port overall.

Have a look at the full analysis below.

The latest episode of the Play Nintendo Show, featuring Snipperclips, has gone live. Andrew and Jenna play the Switch game that launched a few months back. Check out the full episode below.

It’s rare for us to talk about games that aren’t planned for Nintendo platforms these days, though we’ll make an exception for Angry Video Game Nerd II. The first game ended up on both Wii U and 3DS, and it was widely assumed that we’d be seeing the sequel on at least one of the big N’s systems. However, it looks like that won’t be happening.

ScrewAttack’s Austin Harper told Real Otaku Gamer that Angry Video Game Nerd II won’t be ported to consoles following the reception on PC. ScrewAttack is also no longer acting as the game’s publisher.

The company’s full statement reads:

“Unfortunately, the response to AVGNII: ASSimilation on PC did not lead us to believe that porting the game to home consoles would be a proper use of our resources. ScrewAttack Games has actually stepped down as a publisher and are supporting Rooster Teeth Games as they begin to develop their third-party publishing branch, starting with the launch of their new game Battlesloths 2025: The Great Pizza Wars.”


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