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This month’s CoroCoro has started to leak. There’s nothing in the way of a game reveal, but the magazine does tease some interesting news. For the following magazine slated for June 15, some shocking information will be revealed regarding Marshadow. One theory is that news will be shared about Marshadow’s signature Z-Move.

Marshadow was officially unveiled for Pokemon Sun / Moon last month. The creature can’t be obtained through normal means as of now, though more information will be shared in the future.


Shakedown: Hawaii

Vblank Entertainment has kicked the first in a series of soundtrack previews for Shakedown: Hawaii. The first one from composer Matt Creamer can be heard below.

This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Pokemon Yellow
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Super Mario World
4. Bye-Bye BoxBoy!
5. Pokemon Red
6. Mario Kart 7
7. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
8. Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo
9. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
10. Pokemon Blue
11. Zelda: A Link to the Past
12. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
13. Super Mario Bros.
14. The Legend of Zelda
15. Gunman Clive 2
16. Pokemon Sun
17. Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
18. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
19. Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
20. Pokemon Moon


1. Introducing the New 2DS XL
2. Bye-Bye BoxBoy! Launch Trailer
3. Team Kirby Clash Deluxe – Ready for Launch
4. Mario Sports Superstars Launch Trailer
5. Mario Kart 7 Video
6. Super Mario Maker for 3DS Overview Trailer
7. Pokemon Sun/Moon Special Demo Version Video
8. Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World TV Spot
9. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia – Zofia’s Call
10. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition 4/12/17
11. Pokemon Rumble World Trailer
12. Super Mario Odyssey Nintendo Switch Presentation Trailer
13. Blaster Master Zero Trailer
14. Nikki’s Tour of Swapdoodle
15. Super Mario World Trailer
16. Pokemon Yellow Trailer
17. Pokemon Sun/Moon – Top 7 Features
18. IronFall Trailer
19. Super Smash Bros. – Final Video Presentation
20. Pokemon Bank Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop


Dark Witch Music Episode: Rudymical, a spinoff of The Legend of Dark Witch games, is one of the newest titles for the Switch eShop. Have a look at some footage below.

One fan has gone above and beyond to fully customize a Switch unit. Every aspect has been redone to match the style of the Super Famicom – the console itself, the individual Joy-Con controllers, and even the dock.

What was used here are some really nice-looking skins. You can get a closer look at the customized Switch below with various photos.

This sort of makes you wonder if and when Nintendo will start coming out with different designs for Switch aside from just various Joy-Con colors. There were a ton of different options with the 3DS, so it wouldn’t be out of the blue to try something similar now.


Much like the Wii U version, Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition supports online play. There is a key difference separating the two versions though: audio gamechat.

This is something included with Minecraft on Wii U. But with Switch, no such option exists. It’s thought that we won’t be seeing it until Nintendo finishes the upcoming smartphone app.


Toys “R” Us locations will be holding a special Pokemon event this Saturday. Between 1 PM and 3 PM local time, Pokemon Sun/Moon will be playable. Giveaways and activities are also planned.

Attendees will be provided with a free Tapu Koko poster when they play the Pokemon Sun/Moon demo. Other goodies include a free Alolan Vulpix foil card, TCG collector’s album, and Eevee figure for the first 50 visitors.

Participating locations are as follows:

Three new My Nintendo rewards are now up for grabs in North America. All of them tie in to the recently-released Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

For 50 Platinum Points each, you can nab a wallpaper or June calendar in eight different resolutions for PC, smart phone, or tablet. There’s also a Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Starter Guide from Prima for 10 Gold Points. The first two can be redeemed until June 2 while the guide will remain on the site until the start of October.

These rewards are located on My Nintendo under the smart device / PC category here.

Rain Games has posted the final character trailer for World to the West, which is still slated for Wii U. The new video focusing on Miss Teri is below.

Chucklefish is back with a new blog post about Wargroove to provide fans with a status update. The team is focusing on palette swapping the various assets, which is necessary since more than one person can be playing with any given faction in multiplayer. Read up on the full blog here.

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