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XSEED is publishing Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns in just under two weeks in North America. Of course, a digital option will be available alongside the retail version.

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns takes up 5,443 blocks of space. That amounts to 680.375 MB.


Capcom has released official details and screenshots for Ultra Street Fighter II based on Famitsu’s latest coverage. Content pertaining to the game’s first-person mode, art gallery, and Color Edit feature are below, courtesy of Gematsu.

“Way of the Hado” / Unleash! Ha-DO-Ken

– Defeat Shadaloo Soldiers with the Joy-Con controllers in each hand and unleash Hadokens and Shoryukens using motion controls and button combinations
– Defeat enemies to clear stages in Stage Mode
– Endless Mode: continue fighting until your health reaches zero
– Training Mode: practice your techniques
– Get “Growth Points” based on the gameplay content, which can be used to strengthen Ryu’s Attack, Speed, Guts, Defense, Luck, and Vital stats
– Strengthen Ryu to your liking in order to aim for the high score

Street Fighter Series High-Resolution Illustration Gallery

– Browse through over 1,400 carefully selected illustrations from SF20: The Art of Street Fighter
– 250dpi high-resolution
– Can magnify even the most minor of text

Color Edit

– Color Edit feature included
– Edit character colors to your liking and store them
– Customize character colors using the touchscreen
– The colors you store can be used in arcade mode, as well as versus and online battles
– Store up to 10 edited colors for each character


With the Switch unboxing video that emerged earlier today, we have an important reconfirmation about how the system handles eShop purchases.

Much like with Wii U and 3DS, you can link a Nintendo Account to Nintendo’s new system. On Switch, doing so will allow for all eShop purchases to be tied to that account rather than the system. If you remove that link but re-link it at another point, it’s possible to redownload software or DLC that you purchased. Nintendo does say that discontinued software may be unavailable for redownload “in some cases.”

Reggie had previously indicated that eShop purchases could be tied to a Nintendo Account on Switch. Thankfully, now we have another confirmation straight from the system.

Source, Via


Soon after Pokemon GO launched, players discovered a naming trick to evolve Eevee. By giving the Pokemon a specific name, you’re able to specifically obtain Jolteon, Vaporeon, or Flareon. Names are based on the original Pokemon anime’s Eevee Brothers Rainer, Pyro, and Sparky.

Now that Pokemon GO has received over 80 new Pokemon, the latest Eevee evolutions Espeon and Umbreon are in. Just like with the original trio, you can again use the naming trick. For Espeon, name your Eevee Sakura. And for Umbreon, use Tamao.

Here’s some footage from the new Pokemon GO update by the way:


The NPD report for January is in. No Nintendo titles were present in the top ten, but we do still have some news about sales in the United States last month.

NPD reports that the NES Classic Edition outsold Wii U, making it the third best-selling console of the month. Perhaps unsurprisingly at the month, the hardware managed to outsell Wii U.


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Pokemon GO players can now begin to nab new creatures from the second generation of Pokemon games. Niantic has flipped the switch, and over 80 Pokemon have now been added.

Don’t forget: there’s a new update to download as well. Version 1.27.2 is out on iOS, and version 0.57.2 is available for Android users.

In both North America and Europe, Tank Troopers is now available on the 3DS eShop. A bunch of footage can be found below.

Lightwood Games published a gameplay video for its Wii U / 3DS puzzler Pic-a-Pix Color today. View the clip below.

Update: This looks to be real. Video of the OS is below.

NeoGAF member hiphoptherobot has apparently managed to secure a Switch unit nearly two weeks before release. He claims to have been “lucky” – meaning he’s not a member of the media.

hiphoptherobot shared some photos of his find, including a new image of the Switch UI. It definitely looks legitimate, but in this day and age, you can never be too sure. We’ll keep this post updated with any additional information or images that may come in.

Thanks to Matthew M for the tip.



Here’s something that may come as a bit of a surprise. On the official GDC 2017 site, Super Bomberman R is shown as one of the playable games developed with the Unity engine. Rather than going with internal tools, Konami and HexaDrive decided to use third-party technology. Fortunately we know that Switch supports Unity very well.


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