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Last week, Nintendo brought out the final DLC characters in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS. Director Masahiro Sakurai gets reflective in his Famitsu column with development having wrapped up. His piece is about exhaustion and stimulation. Based on what’s written, it seems to refer to a cycle with continuous updates, where a game starts being exciting, but over time people may get a little bored (exhausted), and that’s when the development staff have to think about new things (schemes) and implement them into the game so that it becomes exciting again (stimulant).

Sakurai starts off by touching on Smash Bros. DLC just slightly. Aside from Lucas and Roy – who have been represented in Smash before – the DLC characters were made to offer unique gameplay. Sakurai refers to Corrin with his transformation and super range as well as Bayonetta who makes use of special combos, gun shots, and Witch Time.

This week’s Famitsu scans are now available. Highlighted games include Ace Attorney 6, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, Shin Megami Tensei IV Final, and Story of Seasons: Good Friends of Three Villages. Scans of each title can be found in the gallery below.

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Hyrule Warriors Legends has received its first update in Japan. Today, Koei Tecmo released version 1.1.0. The patch makes it possible to reset save data, and addresses a couple of bugs.


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Street Fighter V (PS4) – 10/8/8/9
Attack on Titan (PS4/PS3/PSV) – 8/9/9/8
Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (3DS) – 9/8/8/8
Project Setsuna (PS4/PSV) – 8/8/8/8
Hardware: Rivals (PS4) – 7/7/8/7
Kan Colle Kai (PSV) – 7/7/8/7
Nazo no Mini-Game: Choigae (3DS) – 6/8/6/9

Atlus is continuing its new mini video series for Shin Megami Tensei IV Final. A video highlighting Sukuna-Hikona is next, and we have it below.

GameXplain has posted more footage of Fire Emblem Fates showing a battle against Lucina, thanks to amiibo. View the video below.

“Malo” is back with his latest Twilight Princess HD on the Japanese Zelda Twitter page. Today, the character talks a bit more about Hero Mode.

Here’s our translation:

“…It’s Malo. In Hero Mode, the world becomes horizontally reversed… You also take twice the damage… You look so glad aren’t you… then stack it up with Ganondorf’s amiibo… You’ll take 4 times more damage then. …You look really glad now. So you have such a hobby eh…”


Yazar Media Group has two new games for the North American Wii U eShop this week. Cutie Clash and Cutie Pets Go Fishing are due out on Thursday, each of which is priced at $1.99. Overviews and trailers for both games are posted below.

Cutie Clash

Welcome to the swamp!

You’re a lowly swamp chicken looking to become King. You need to vomit and bomb your way to the top. In this 5-player vomit brawler all rounds are one hit K.O. and matches go to the first chicken with five wins. Defend your swamp crown round after round! May the best chicken win!

Cutie Pets Go Fishing

Welcome to Cutie Pets Go Fishing!

Race against the clock as you try to match large schools of fish! Grab time bonuses, multipliers and combos to greatly increase your score! Feeling a little stressed by the clock? play Zen Mode and simply see how long you can match fish!

For every achievement you get, you also unlock a sweet stamp to post on Miiverse™. You can make posts with our cool stamps or share screenshots of your high score! Get Fishing today!

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Following last week’s tease, Sunbreak Games has confirmed Buddy & Me Dream for Wii U. The game is targeted for launch this spring.

Sky Tyrannosaur is helping out with development of the Wii U version, which has the final name “Buddy & Me Dream Edition”. It’ll come with new features plus the outfits, seasons, and boosts available in the Samsung Smart TV version.

Here’s a look at Buddy & Me:


The “Crash Keys” Twitter account is at it again. We have another piece of art for Zero Time Dilemma, this time showing participant 1. Check it out above.


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