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Engineer and designer Masayuki Uemura, who worked on the creation of the NES, recently appeared at the National Videogame Arcade in Hockley. Nottingham Post caught up with him for a brief chat about the famous console.

According to Uemura, the console’s original color scheme was based on Hiroshi Yamauchi’s favorite scarf. Of course, Yamauchi was Nintendo’s president at the time.

Uemura also said the following when we asked if he believes games helped build East-West relations in the wake of World War II:

“The NES had an important role in transmitting Japanese culture to the world, and we received influences from foreign countries, too. We are different cultures but childhood is universal.”

Source, Via

Juicy Beast said earlier this month that the studio was disappointed by the sales of Toto Temple Deluxe. A few days ago, the company shared some concrete data.

Toto Temple Deluxe has sold roughly 6,000 copies across all platforms. You can see a breakdown of sales by platform above, which seems to show that the Wii U version outperformed the likes of Steam and Xbox One. It’s also fairly close to the PlayStation 4 edition.

Juicy Beast hopes that Toto Temple Deluxe will “benefit from the long tail eventually”.

Amazon is now taking pre-orders for a trio of Animal Crossing amiibo. You can now reserve Kapp’n, Rover, and the third wave of amiibo cards. They’ll be available in March.

A few hours ago at Niconico Tokaigi 2016, the Squid Sisters performed live as promised. We now have the full recording, which you can watch below.

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When a new game comes out – be it a completely new title or something like a Virtual Console release – its related community opens on Miiverse. It’s here where users are usually able to share screenshots of games. With one classic game that just hit Wii U though, this isn’t possible.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance made its way to the Wii U Virtual Console this week. Users, however, have been mentioning in the community that posting screenshots isn’t possible. We don’t know why this is, but I imagine Square Enix must have some reason!


With Word Puzzles by POWGI hitting Wii U and 3DS in Europe this week, Lightwood Games put together a video explaining how amiibo works in the game. Check it out below.

Noowanda intends to update Discovery, the studio’s block building game on the Wii U eShop. Several features are already lined up for version 2.2, including off-TV in single-player, a third-person view, and more. Other potential features like managing materials on the GamePad, block coloring, and more animals are also under consideration.

Players can share feedback about what they want to see from Discovery over on Miiverse. It sounds like Noowanda will be looking at all comments.

Here’s a look at the upcoming update:


Last week, we posted some translated excerpts from Nintendo Dream’s Genei Ibun Roku #FE interview. It’s a very interesting read since it gives you more of a clear picture about the project’s origins and how the game eventually turned into an RPG. If you missed it, be sure to check it out here.

We have a few final excerpts from Nintendo Dream’s piece today. Primarily, today’s topics include an in-depth explanation as to how the setting was decided upon, and how the team determined which characters from Fire Emblem to include.

Head past the break for the translation. The comments are from the interview with producer Hitoshi Yamagami (Nintendo), director Kaori Ando (Nintendo), producer Shinjiro Takata (Atlus), director Eiji Ishida (Atlus), chief director Wataru Hirata (Atlus), and art director Fumitaka Yano (Atlus).

In an interview with GamesMaster this month, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma shared some thoughts about the possibility of having Link speak. He does believe that this could be a good idea, but at the same time, he also “feels that that air of proud independence he has because he doesn’t speak is a precious part of the individuality of his character.”

Aonuma’s words in full:

“We’ve had a lot of requests from fans to hear [Link’s] voice, and while in some ways I do feel that it could be good to have a game where he speaks, part of me also feels that that air of proud independence he has because he doesn’t speak is a precious part of the individuality of his character. I want to think long and hard about whether changing that would be for the better or not before I make any decision.”

Link has been known throughout the history of Zelda as being a silent protagonist. If he were to be given a voice, that would definitely have a notable impact on the series. How would you feel if Link spoke in a Zelda title?

As spotted by Zelda Informer, Gamereactor posted a number of pieces of art from Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. We’ve gathered up the images below.

Source, Via

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