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The Mii Fighters amiibo 3-pack won’t be sold until a few weeks from now, but a lucky few did manage to get their hands on a unit ahead of time. View an early unboxing video for the figures below.

Those of you with North American 3DS systems can now pre-load The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes from the 3DS eShop. By purchasing the game now, you can download most of the data ahead of time. You’ll only need a small update when Tri Force Heroes comes out to begin playing.

I did want to point out a small other tidbit as well. The eShop listing says that the Circle Pad Pro is a supported feature, so there’s a handy piece of information for you!

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes launches later this month. The game is scheduled for release on October 23.

Thanks to Jeffery F for the tip.

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water will be out in two weeks, and Dennis has been playing the final English build. We’ve captured the first half hour of the game below.

Splatoon’s sixth North American Splatfest has now begun. Players can choose cars or airplanes as their preferred means of traveling.

Like all Splatfests, this weekend’s competition will last for a full day. The results will be made available soon after.


Splatoon’s latest two weapons are now live. Along with the Custom E-liter 3k Scope, players can also begin using the Custom Range Blaster.

Here’s an overview of the former weapon:

“The range and zoom are impressive, but the viewfinder is so narrow that it’s easy to leave yourself open to attack while aiming. If you’re using this bad boy, you’ll need to learn to watch your back, lest ye get splatted from behind.”

And an overview for the Custom Range Blaster:

“The Custom Range Blaster comes with a versatile sub weapon – Splat Bombs – and a special weapon that excels in close-quarters combat – the Kraken! Grab a Custom Range Blaster tonight and get ready to UNLEASH THE KRAKEN!”


Octodad: Dadliest Catch was initially planned to launch on the Wii U eShop this past summer. Fall has arrived, so clearly that target has passed.

So what’s with the delay? Young Horses president Phil Tibitoski has said that the team “ran into some unforeseen issues in certification”, which “took a while to fix.” A final release date should be announced “soon”.


Several new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a peak at the gallery below.

Animal Gods is coming out in a couple of days on PC, Mac, and Linux, with the Wii U version following closely behind. 45 minutes of footage from the title is in the video below.

Even though “Super Mario Maker SUP-tember” has come and gone, Kit and Krysta show off some levels in the game one last time. Check out this week’s video below.

Next Saturday, select GameStop locations will be holding a special event for The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes. This will be taking place between 1 PM and 4 PM local time.

Attendees will be able to go hands-on with the new 3DS game. Additionally, there will be giveaways while supplies last.

The full list of eligible GameStop locations can be found here.

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