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Update 6: Ness is absolutely gone now.

Update 5: Some people are able to order the Ness amiibo from GameStop. Try your luck here!

Update 4: Bumped to the top. Pac-Man is now in stock, and you can purchase him here.

Update 3: The Splatoon 3-pack and Charizard are sold out.

Update 2: Wario is now up here.

Update: The Inkling Girl is now available for order. Inkling Boy is here.

GameStop has a couple of amiibo items in stock. You can get an order in for the Splatoon amiibo 3-pack, as well as the Charizard figure. I’ll keep an eye on things and will update this post as they sold out.

It’s well known that Nintendo’s amiibo figures have been suffering from shortages almost since launch. That’s unlike other toys-to-life brands, which have been relatively well-stocked.

John Vignocchi, the executive producer of Disney Infinity, was recently asked by Game Informer if the company is doing anything to prepare for the high demand for Star Wars figures in light of the amiibo situation. To this, he said:

There is never an intention to create a shortage of any figures. It is irresponsible and rude to your hardcore fans. They don’t want to create frustration or the hunt. So they will be stocking the shelves well!

We can’t say for certain that Vignocchi was blasting amiibo specifically, but his words do apply to Nintendo’s situation. No one is really happy with the lack of stock and consistent shortages!

Source, Via 1, Via 2

This week’s Famitsu has yet another feature on Fire Emblem If. We’re introduced to more characters, along with details about some other aspects of the game.

Here’s what we know about thus far:

Pieri (Cavalier) [Nohr]

– Subordinate to Nohr’s Prince Marx
– Has a peculiar personality where she transforms into a violent alter-ego upon sensing danger on the battlefield
– Personal Skill [Killer Instinct]: if user KOs an enemy with their attack, Strength, Magic, Skill and Speed +4 for one turn

Lazward (Mercenary) [Nohr]

– Likes girls and has a habit of spending his free days picking up women
– Good at dancing and can use it as a special command
– Personal Skill [???]: When used as a command, Strength and Speed +1 to all allies within a 2 tile radius (for one turn)

Odin (Dark Mage) [Nohr]

– A sorcerer who performs daily research into “amazing special moves”
– Easily fired up and in danger of losing control of his power
– Personal Skill [Blood Boil]: When equipped with a forged weapon whose name is written with 8 kanji, critical rate +10.

– Lazward and Odin are “homages” to Inigo and Owain, who are again children characters from Awakening


– Personal Skill [Woman’s True Nature]: When facing a female enemy, Damage +4 and Critical rate +20


– Personal Skill [Intimidate]: Enemies within a 2 tile radius receive Avoid -10


– When Orochi or Zero use their “capture” command to defeat an enemy, that enemy will be sent to the prison
– Captured enemies can then be recruited to your army by successfully scouting them with resources or by persuading them
– Certain enemies like bosses cannot be captured

Famitsu has also shared the following portrait of Zero:


Source 1, Source 2

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale (3DS) – 8/8/7/8
Killca Drive (3DS) – 7/8/6/7
The Legend of Dark Witch – Chronicle 2D ACT (PSV) – 7/8/6/8

Additionally footage has come in showing Cube Life: Island Survival, which hit the North American Wii U eShop last week. Watch it below.

The Wii U is getting another blockworld game at some point in the future, as developer Noowanda has confirmed plans to bring “Discovery” to the eShop.

Just like in Minecraft, Discovery allows players to explore a giant world – one of which that is made of blocks and can be me modified. It’s possible to create a house, villages, cities, constructions or dig deep under the earth.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night has reached another stretch goal on Kickstarter. When combined with donations received from PayPal, the campaign has exceeded the $3.75 million mark. That means Bloodstained will feature orchestrated tracks.

The latest Kickstarter update reads:

With our Paypal backers included — $118k from more than 1400 backers, as of this morning — you’ve hit the Orchestrated Tracks stretch goal with momentum to burn! It’ll be a while before Yamane and Yamada have all the tracks composed for Bloodstained, but now that you’ve reached this stretch goal they did want to allay one fear a few backers have had: There’s still going to be a ton of variety on this soundtrack.

Hitting the orchestra stretch goal allows them to use live instrumentation where it makes sense, but some tracks just make more sense with electronic arrangements. Songs like Yamada’s “Cursed Orphan”, which already includes violin and electric guitar parts, will be performed by a smaller, rock-oriented ensemble.

In short: You’ve added more options, not taken any away. (And that’s without even going into those 8-bit tracks you unlocked from Yamane, Yamada, and Virt…)

Next up for Bloodstained is an online challenge mode. This will be guaranteed if the Kickstarter hits its $4 million stretch goal.

Last but not least, off-screen footage has been posted to YouTube showing footage from the game. This is intended to show an early animation sample.

You can find today’s full Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Kickstarter update here, which also has news about backer rewards

Nintendo brought out a new system update for the 3DS last week. This week, Wii U is getting in on the fun. The latest firmware, version 5.4.0, is now available for download.

Sadly, there’s not much to report on in terms of any new features. This one seems to be all about improving stability/the user experience – just like the 3DS upgrade.

As always, you’ll need the latest firmware before you can enter the eShop.


Art Academy: Home Studio has a built-in time lapse function. You can see it in action through the video below.

Head past the break for another couple of videos!

Before the Nintendo World Championships begin on Sunday, a special pre-show will be held. Nintendo announced via Twitter today that Treehouse Live will be hosting the 25-minute broadcast. We’ll have it embedded on the site, but you can also watch it on Nintendo’s E3 site, YouTube channel or Twitch page.


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