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Xavier Orion Games released a first gameplay video for Super Booty Diver today. Watch it above.

Indie developer This Guy Games has has announced SpaceBoy for several platforms, including Wii U.

SpaceBoy is the studio’s new action-adventure title that focuses on the exploration of a strange ship that lacks color and light. Players will be discovering new worlds with the ship’s Superior Operating Network (S.O.N.), which can be used “to help fight against corrupt software spreading throughout the ship’s large infrastructure.”

There will be plenty of power-ups, moves, and abilities to uncover in SpaceBoy. The game also features a wide array of characters and creatures.

We’ve attached a trailer for SpaceBoy below.

Atlus released a new, full trailer for Etrian Mystery Dungeon today. You can watch it above.

Adding to tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct fun is something from Atlus USA. The company re-tweeted the news about the upcoming presentation, so they’ll probably be involved in some fashion.

There was speculation last night that Atlus was teasing localization of Attack on Titan for 3DS. Perhaps we’ll be receiving an announcement about that tomorrow?

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Frizzy trailer

Posted on 9 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment

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Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei has a final release date. We knew it’d be coming to Japan sometime in July, but Masaya has now shared something a bit more specific. Japanese 3DS owners can get their hands on Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei starting July 23.


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