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Over the years, Nintendo has created two distinct categories of Mario games: 3D titles like Galaxy, and 2D releases such as New Super Mario Bros.

The Big N attempted to blend the two gameplay types with Super Mario 3D Land. This is now being taken a step further with Super Mario 3D World, according to Shigeru Miyamoto.

When ONM asked if Super Mario 3D World is trying to appeal to all types of Mario fans, Miyamoto responded:

“Yes, with the Mario games you have the 2D side-scrolling games and you have the Mario Galaxy games, which are the 3D titles. People tend to prefer one of those over the other. What we tried to do with Super Mario 3D Land, and what we’re trying to do with Super Mario 3D World is to create a type of three-dimensional Mario game that bridges that gap. We’re trying to do that more with Super Mario 3D World, in particular with the gyro controls, and to try and do that in a way that will enable fans of both to really enjoy playing Mario.”

Thanks to joclo for sending this our way.

More Pokemon X/Y footage

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Thanks to Tytygh for the tip.


Nintendo’s North American Wii Party U teaser site is now live. If interested, you can find it here.

Similar to the Mario Party: Island Tour site, you can view a few old screenshots and read up on game information. That’s it for now!

Thanks to Tytygh for the tip.

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