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Image & Form’s acclaimed 3DS eShop title is coming to Japan. Intergrow Inc will publish the game on November 20. Pricing is set at 800 yen.

Originally, SteamWorld Dig landed in North America and Europe in early August.


One new game has been confirmed for the Japanese 3DS Virtual Console. Hanjuku Hero (Famicom) will be out on October 30. Pricing is set at 500 yen.


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Nintendo and Platinum Games have published an update for The Wonderful 101 in Japan. The patch corrects an issues pertaining to Wonderful Figure No. 24, and addresses a few general issues as well.

After applying the update, your game will reflect version 1.1.0. This is shown on the game’s start screen.



Two new Virtual Console games are on track for the Japanese Wii U eShop next week. Tennis and Uncharted Waters: New Horizons II will be out on October 30. Pricing is set at 500 yen and 800 yen respectively.


XSEED has lowered the price of Unchained Blades. Starting today, the game can be purchased from the 3DS eShop for only $19.99. Unchained Blades originally costed $29.99.

A tweet from XSEED confirms the new price:


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Nintendo will begin selling Pokemon hanafuda cards starting on November 29. Pre-orders are now live in Japan.

The cards themselves are made up of Pokemon from the Red/Green games. Additionally, Pokemon artwork is included on the packaging and instruction booklet.

Pricing for decks are set at 2,500 yen, or about $25. Each comes with 49 cards – 48 original designs and one white cards – and an original instruction booklet.

Nintendo will also offer a framed edition with un-cut cards for 15,100 yen ($152).

Those who pre-order at Pokemon Centers in Japan will be provided with an A2 poster of all the hanafuda cards in color (green version). Reservations made at Animate come with a red version of the same poster.


Based on Target’s recently-revealed Toy Book Ad for the coming holiday, it appears Nintendo intends to bring over a version of the European Mario & Luigi Wii U Premium Pack.

As pictured in the image above, the Wii U Deluxe Set is listed for $299.99. That’s nothing new. But there’s also some sort of odd boxart which, as far as I can tell, shows New Super Mario Bros. U along with New Super Luigi U.

Could this be another upcoming bundle Nintendo will be announcing sometime within the next few weeks?

Thanks to ES4 for the tip.

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