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Polygon has published a new interview with Keiji Inafune regarding his new Kickstarter project, Mighty No. 9. Inafune had a lot to say about the new game, plus off-beat topics like Twitter.

You can find a good chunk of Inafune’s comments below. There’s even more to find on Polygon.

Librica plans to release even more manga on the 3DS in Japan. Series such as Dragon Ball and Monster Hunter will be available starting on September 4.

Below is the full lineup:

Dragon Ball Color Version 1-4 (1,150 on sale at launch, usually 1,800 yen)
Magical Lyrical Nanoha ViVid Volumes 1-5 (2,950 yen)
Monster Hunter: Hunter of Flash Volumes 1-4 (2,250 yen)
Neon Genesis Evangelion Volumes 1-5 (2,850 yen)
Zekkyo Gakkyu Volumes 1-10 (3,500 yen)


More details from the Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse PAX Prime 2013 demo have appeared. For the latest information, check out the summary below.

– Shantae’s pirate abilities include a pistol
– Pistol is a good projectile weapon
– Can also be used to solve puzzles such as hitting targets that Shantae’s prehensile ponytail can’t reach
– 2 stages in the PAX demo
– One is a dungeon, the other is a boss fight
– Each room in the dungeon has a hint as to where to go next
– Boss fight has players whipping bombs back at an enemy tanker that’s shooting them at you
– Faster paced controls than the DSiWare game
– Larger field of vision included
– No longer an issue to see what’s coming up ahead, above and below you
– Map isn’t in the demo, but will be in the final game
– Map is improved from Risky’s Revenge


There’s no denying that Mighty No. 9 has many similarities to Mega Man. There are obviously differences between the two, but some aspects are comparable. This should come as a big surprise given how both games come from the same creator Keiji Inafune.

Despite these similarities, Capcom hasn’t initiated any legal proceedings… at least not yet.

Keiji Inafune told Kotaku that he has yet to hear anything from the company:

“We haven’t heard anything from Capcom at this point. If it turns into a legal battle, then obviously it’ll be lawyers that hash out what the solutions are. However, from my perspective, Mega Man is something that I created. It would be like having a child, then having somebody adopt that child and then saying that child isn’t really yours. That child has your DNA in it, no matter what anybody says. So, since my style, my spirit isn’t something that I can’t change as a human being, if I create anything and it’s something that looks like [Mega Man], well, it was created by the same person, me. To say that Mighty No. 9 looks like Mega Man is to say that my work looks like my work.

But we have been careful. The base gameplay is not the same as Mega Man. The naming, the character, all that is not the same. The details are very different. Personally, I’ve gone out of my way to make sure that this is something original. And if Capcom does come back and say something, I would be surprised.”


With The Wonderful 101’s development complete, director Hideki Kamiya will soon move on to a new project. Perhaps it’ll be a Bayonetta game for 3DS.

Speaking with Siliconera, Kamiya expressed interest in creating a title based on Jeanne:

“Given the chance, I’d like to make a game based on Jeanne from Bayonetta. Something that’s not as big in scale. Something that’s portable, that you could play in quick sessions, where she’s a history teacher and the kind of fun things that could come out of a scenario like that.”

Another 3DS game Kamiya would be open to? An Okami spin-off for 3DS.

“If I could get away with it, I’d also like to come up with a spin-off of Okami, less focused on the grand idea of saving the world, but [rather] something focused on the smaller world of the fairy Issun.”


Like most games, The Wonderful 101 went through a series if iterations before Platinum settled on the final style and gameplay. Director Hideki Kamiya intends to show some of the title’s prototypes at his PAX Prime panel later today. But for now, he did share one prototype image on Twitter:


Have you ever wondered why Mega Man is blue? To satisfy such curiosity, series creator Keiji Inafune provided an explanation during a talk at PAX Prime 2013 yesterday.

The team working on Mega Man wanted to make the character blue because that color had a larger variety than any other on the Famicom, meaning more could be done with the design. Inafune thought having Mega Man blue would be “gross”, but after hearing this explanation, was more open to the idea. Plus, he recognized that featuring a blue robot was something new and different.

Mega Man isn’t always blue. When Mega Man gains a new weapon, he changes colors. This is so because Inafune felt it’d be odd seeing a blue character send out red flames after obtaining Fire Man’s power.

Inafune began his time at Capcom as an artist but in a very short amount of time went on to become a lead artist due to a lack of staff at the company. He was originally working on designs for Street Fighter, though moved on to Mega Man after a month. Most of Inafune’s career is comprised of working on the Blue Bomber’s games. Inafune said that the franchise taught him a lot about game creation.


There’s still no footage of Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse floating around online, but we do have this image…



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