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Polygon has put up the latest video in its “Devs Make Mario” series. In today’s feature, Surgeon Simulator and I Am Bread developer Luke Williams creates a level in the game. View it below.

Strap yourselves in for the longest Project X Zone 2 trailer yet. Bandai Namco just published a new video showing the game’s various characters and systems, coming in at nearly 14 minutes in length. We’ve posted it below.

The latest episode of Capcom TV was held earlier today, and it gave us another look at Monster Hunter X. We’ve embedded the video below. It should kick off right where the Monster Hunter X footage begins.

Following a lengthy wait, SmileBASIC is finally due out in North America next week. Nintendo’s website has the app listed for release on October 15. Pricing is set at $9.99.

Here’s an overview of the different features included in the programming app:

A Range of Versatile Instructions:

Pictures and words that “pop out” from the screen!
Information obtained from various different sensors
Voice input and playback via the microphone
Versus play using local wireless communication
Draw instructions for lines and circles, filling, and more
Music composition using MML

Useful Tools:

SMILE Tool (for checking SE and character numbers)
Paint Tool (for drawing characters and background images)
Animation Tool (for creating flipbook animations)
Mapping Tool (for arranging tiles to create maps)
Waveform Tool (for sampling and creating waveforms)

Rich Sample Library:

Characters and background images that can be used in a variety of contexts
Over 100 sound effects and 40 BGM tunes
Simple programs for helping to learn BASIC
Technical samples that allow the user to check the execution results for each instruction
Game samples created using advanced techniques

SmileBoom did say last month that SmileBASIC’s overseas launch would be coming soon. Glad to see that it’s happening after all this time!

Thanks to Brian for the tip.


Pre-orders for Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival have opened on Amazon. To reserve a copy, head on over here.. The game is set for release on November 13.

A new 3DS theme based on Chibi-Robo! (and Famista) is available now in Japan. It’s priced at 200 yen, which should translate to $2 when released overseas. Those who purchase Chibi-Robo!: Zip Last on the European eShop will be able to receive the theme for free.

Here’s some footage:


We haven’t seen The Dance of the Damned in about a year, but the game still remains on track for the Wii U eShop. Take a look at the latest screenshots below.


Splatoon’s sixth Splatfest is happening this weekend in North America and Japan. Unfortunately for European players, they’ll have to wait a bit longer for the next competition. Nintendo said in a tweet today that the next Splatfest in Europe isn’t planned for this weekend.

The message reads:


Giant Bomb gives us yet another look at Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash with 18 more minutes of footage. Check out the latest video below.

A few more details about Shin Megami Tensei IV Final have surfaced via Famitsu’s coverage.

In the game, Atlus is including a new partner system. This allows players to choose a character among a group of allies to support them in combat.

The different partners will come with their own skills. Asahi specializes in recovery whereas Navarre focuses on using attack items and support magic, for instance.

During each turn in a fight, partners assist the protagonist. Partners also become more powerful as they fight alongside the protagonist. As an example, as Asahi levels up, she will learn new healing abilities like being able to heal status ailments.


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