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3DS eShop

To celebrate the new Pokemon Bank update, a new gift is going out to all users. Players can receive Mew’s Z-Crystal, Mewnium Z. It can be used in Pokemon Sun/Moon.

A promo posted on the Pokemon Twitter page is below.


The new updates for Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter are now available. The two apps have been updated to version 1.3 and 1.2 respectively.

After downloading the Pokemon Bank update, compatibility will be added in with Pokemon Sun/Moon. And for Poke Transporter, creatures from Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS Virtual Console can be transferred into Pokemon Sun/Moon.

One new title is coming to the Japanese eShop on February 1. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:

Wii U Download

Plantera – 500 yen

3DS Download

Goodbye! BoxBoy! – 680 yen (available 2/2)
Plantera – 500 yen
Genkai! Yamadzumi Battle – 400 yen



The 3DS version of Elliot Quest has taken longer than expected. It was originally planned for last year, but it sort of fell off the map since the original announcement. However, a tweet from creator Luis Zuno confirms that it’s still happening.

Zuno shared a brief look at Elliot Quest running on 3DS earlier today. Additionally, he says it’s releasing “very soon.”

The full tweet is as follows:


Nostatic Software is bringing Candy, Please! to the 3DS eShop on Thursday. To download the game, 259 blocks of free space is required. That amounts to just 32.375 MB.


Plantera is due out soon on both Wii U and 3DS as an eShop title. Ratalaika Games published a trailer today, which we have below.

A new Zelda-themed sale has been announced for Europe. Between January 26 at 11:59 PM and February 9 UK time, games across the Wii U and 3DS eShops will be discounted by 30% along with Hyrule Warriors DLC and 3DS themes. You’ll need to be a My Nintendo user in order to participate.

Here’s the announcement from Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma:

And the lineup of content:

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: Road to Boruto (PS4) – 10/9/9/9
Goodbye! BoxBoy! (3DS) – 8/8/9/9
Rive (PS4) – 8/7/7/8
Color Guardians (PS4/PSV) – 7/7/7/7
Double Dragon IV (PS4) – 7/7/7/7
Creeping Terror (3DS) – 7/7/7/7

While we still don’t have a concrete date beyond “late January” for the update that will implement Pokemon Bank compatibility with Pokemon Sun & Moon, we at least have some news about the transfer process from the generation 1 Virtual Console games to Pokemon Bank. This comes to us via Nintendo Hong Kong and Serebii.

One big question about this transfer process was how it would handle IVs, Natures and Abilities, since these didn’t exist (Natures & Abilities) or worked differently (IVs) in Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow. It seems like, when transferring a generation 1 Pokemon to Pokemon Bank, it will have 3 maxed out IVs and receive a random Nature and Ability (out of the ones it can have), with the possibility of it receiving its Hidden Ability. Transferred Pokemon will also receive a special Game Boy mark on their summary page, to indicate that they have been transferred from a generation 1 game.

A handy new feature is that you don’t need to transfer Pokemon to your games in order to register them in the National Pokedex. If you have all of your various games connected to Pokemon Bank, the Bank will sync them all up and combine all the Pokemon you own across your games into one list. You can also track various in-game statistics directly via the Bank, such as the total number of eggs you have hatched.

It will also be possible to send Battle Points again.


Castlevania Dracula X previously arrived on the North American New 3DS Virtual Console, and now it’s heading to Europe on Thursday. View the official trailer below.

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