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At SEGA’s recent Sonic press event, CVG had the opportunity to interview Bob Rafei, CEO and visual director at Big Red Button, and SEGA of America producer Stephen Frost. The two discussed Sonic Boom’s origins, how CryEngine is being used, interest in making more games in this world, and a bunch more.

Head past the break for Rafei and Frost’s comments. Be sure to check out CVG’s full piece here as well.

Thanks to Salvador R for the tip.

Bravely Default is out now in North America, so let’s celebrate with over an hour’s worth of footage:

Ace Attorney 123: Wright Selection will come with a special drama CD in one of its special packages. In its report, Game Watch confirms that the CD contains more than 70 minutes of dialogue featuring Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth as the protagonists. Maya Fey, Mia Fey, Franziska von Karma, Godot, and Dick Gumshoe will also have supporting roles.

Source, Via

Skylanders infographic

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments


With Activision having recently confirmed that the Skylanders franchise has collected $2 billion in franchise revenue, the company has now released an infographic covering the series’ history and sales. You can find it above.

Update: Now temporarily out of stock, but you can still place an order. Should ship soon.

Original: Amazon is taking orders once again for the Bravely Default Collector’s Edition. You can place an order here. The collector’s edition remains sold out on both Best Buy and GameStop.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

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