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Akane is heading to Switch this month, QubicGames announced. A release is planned for May 17 via the eShop.

Here’s an introduction to the arena arcade slasher, along with a trailer:

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

505 Games and ArtPlay have finally dated the gothic horror side-scrolling action RPG Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. It’ll be available on June 25 for Switch, the two companies announced.

Here’s the latest information about the game:

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age – €49.99

The Swords of Ditto

The Swords of Ditto: Mormo’s Curse makes its debut on Switch today through the eShop. Have a look at some footage in the video below.

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Giga Wrecker Alt. – $24.99
Shakedown: Hawaii – $19.99 (available May 7)

Bayonetta 3

PlatinumGames is still keeping quiet on Bayonetta 3, which was announced for Switch at The Game Awards back in 2017. However, in an interview with VGC, studio head Atsushi Inaba did share a nugget of information regarding the team’s approach to development. Bayonetta 3 will involve a change in design process based on Platinum’s experience creating the first two entries in the series, Inaba said.

Outside of Bayonetta 3, Inaba was also happy to talk about PlatinumGames in general and tease future plans. In that same interview, he emphasized the importance of 2019 and how the company is “building a new foundation that in later years will pay dividends.”

Blades of Time

Back in 2012, Gaijin Entertainment made the time-warping hack-and-slash game Blades of Time for Konami. Several years later, it’s making a comeback on Switch.

Gaijin Entertainment announced today that Blades of Time is returning on Switch. It will be packed with a revamped multiplayer mode in which “players can engage in action-packed MOBA combat leading hordes of NPC monsters against the armies of other players.”

Treasure Stack, a falling block puzzle game with grapple-powered platforming, is about to receive its latest update. It’s been announced that version 1.0.3 should be live on Switch very soon.

Treasure Stack’s latest update includes the first theme update complete with OST piece, three new season exclusive skins to unlock, and a rematch option for all online play modes. Switch players should look for the patch’s arrival within the next few days.


Wonder Boy Returns Remix

CFK published a new Switch-specific trailer for Wonder Boy Returns Remix. You can get a look at the video below.

As previously reported, Wonder Boy Returns Remix launches for Switch via the eShop on May 23.

A new skill-based Summoning Focus is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Three Heroes who have the Wrath skill are the 5-star focus units: Nephenee: Fierce Halberdier, Owain: Chosen One and Karla: Sword Vassal. This Summoning Focus will be available until May 14.

Also, a new map has been added to Tactics Drills. “The Bull and The Panther” can be found in the Skill Studies section; clearing it gets you 300 feathers.

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