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Pokemon Sun and Moon’s Global Link will be going down November 10th and will stay down til November 16th for maintenance. This will be due to Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon being opened up for connectivity, all features using the Global Link will not be usable for this period of time. Apparently, you will also receive a special gift by registering Pokemon Ultra Sun or Moon to your account when the game releases.


Unova cap Pikachu now available

Posted on 7 years ago by in 3DS, News | 3 Comments

Another day another Pikachu, this time the Unova cap Pikachu has become available for players to download. The download method remains ultimately the same using the PIKACHU20 code to download the special Pikachu. Remember you can only choose one Pikachu, so if this is the one you want you might want to take advantage of it right now. This Pikachu will remain available until October 16th.


Some new images and some details about story mode for Attack on Titan 2: Future Coordinates has been provided. The gallery can be found under all the information and here is the info on story mode as listed out by Gematsu:

– Story Mode

The Story Mode of Attack on Titan 2: Future Coordinates uses scene images, video, and music from Season 2 of the Attack on Titan television, enabling players to re-live that story in the game. In addition to the “Future Coordinates Chapter,” “Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt Chapter” and “Ymir and Christa Chapter,” there are also two new side story chapters.

– Ilse’s Notebook Chapter

Ilse is a member of the Survey Corps who is in a desperate situation, trying to return home after losing both her horse and her comrades. This is the story about the mysterious titan she encountered.

Fire Emblem Heroes

There was an issue with arena mode October 3rd and as an apology everyone will be receiving 5 orbs in their present list. The gift must be claimed by October 25th. It’s just a rather nice little gift.

Poliwrath has it’s special stage appear as well as a unique Camerupt stage. There will also be a competitive Mega Camerupt stage for players to try out. Politoed and Volcanion will also start repeat runs.


We’ve got a video, slightly under half an hour, of Yono and the Celestial Elephants gameplay from the Vooks YouTube channel. The video shows off the early parts of the game, check it out down below.

NintenDaan has uploaded a video of 88 Heroes – 98 Heroes Edition for the Nintendo Switch from the European eShop, you can check out the gameplay down below.

The Switch eShop has updated with file sizes for games due out over the next couple of weeks. We have sizes for five titles in total, including Rogue Trooper Redux – the biggest of the bunch.

Here’s the full roundup:

Rogue Trooper Redux – 6.8GB
Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure – 3.2GB
Wulverblade – 2.5GB
The Flame in the Flood – 1.7GB
Don’t Knock Twice – 1.5GB

Source: Switch eShop


At Gamescom, one Switch game that was on display was Deru: The Art of Cooperation. While the event itself took place back in August, we’re only hearing about it now. Deru was tucked away at the Indie Arena at Gamescom.

Deru: The Art of Cooperation is a co-op puzzler. By handing a Joy-Con to a friend, both of you can play together.

We’ve included some information about Deru below, along with a trailer. It’s planned for release by the end of this year.

As previously reported, the NES version of Golf is hidden as an easter egg within the Switch’s firmware as an apparent homage to the late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, who was the programmer for the game. In order to unlock Golf, the Switch’s cached network time needs to be set to July 11, the day that Iwata passed away. With this in mind, many people believed they would have to wait until 2018 to unlock the game.

However, a member on NeoGaf has posted a workaround that involves changing the internal clock in a way that will keep the easter egg active in order to activate it. More information is available here.


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