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This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…

Finally, let me talk about the E3 video game trade show that will be held in Los Angeles this June. Once again, Nintendo will not be hosting a large-scale conference for institutional investors, securities analysts, and the media. Instead, we plan to continue our practice of the past few years, which is to release a video presentation discussing the games that are planned for release during the fiscal year, provide hands-on opportunities, and so on. The world championship tournaments for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Splatoon 2 will be held on June 8, right before the start of E3.


This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…

After the start of the calendar year, the title driving the most hardware sales is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This is a list of titles played by consumers on their first day after purchasing Nintendo Switch, between January and March 2019. As you can see, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was the title most commonly played by users with new Nintendo Switch systems.

When Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was first released, it was played by people within a wide age range, and particularly by men in their 20s to early 30s. As time has passed, however, the range of consumers playing this game has widened even further. Our data shows that the range of consumers showing interest in this game is also increasing, which means the title draws such a broad range of people.


This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…

I’ll start with the current state of the Nintendo Switch business. Nintendo Switch has continued to gain momentum after January subsequent to the holiday season. Business is going well, and we expect continued growth. Let me discuss these points in order.

As mentioned at the February corporate management policy briefing, sales of the Nintendo Switch system were strong during the holiday season, and sell-through has continued to be solid through the start of this year. This slide shows combined sell-through for the Japanese, North American, and European markets. As you can see, sell-through from January to March was 35% higher than the same period of the previous year.

Nintendo Switch Online

During its financial results briefing today, Nintendo provided an update on Nintendo Switch Online. The company says that the service is now at 9.8 million accounts, excluding trials.

Tetris 99 also appears to be doing well. 2.8 million accounts have played the game, Nintendo says.


Super Mario Odyssey’s latest update has gone live. Nintendo has just started distribution of version 1.3.0.

Like Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey now supports the Nintendo Labo VR Kit. As part of this, you can use the Toy-Con VR Goggles for mini-missions in the Cap, Seaside, and Luncheon Kingdoms.

The full patch notes are as follows:

A new update for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is now available. As of today, Nintendo is offering version 1.6.0.

Today’s update adds in support for the Nintendo Labo VR Kit. For the full patch notes, continue on below.

Nintendo has issued a new Japanese commercial for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order. You can view the advert below.

Nintendo’s 2018 fiscal year financial results briefing is about to begin. Just like last time, analyst David Gibson is attending the event, and intends to share any notable information while it’s going on. We’ll be rounding up the various tidbits below.

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A new update is now available for Light Fingers. Version 1.0.3, known as “The Crook’d Captain”, features new content and more.

Here’s the announcement from developer Numizmatic:


The Fruit, Labyrinth, and Eden of Grisaia Full Package was announced for Switch this week. It’ll include The Fruit of Grisaia, The Labyrinth of Grisaia, and The Eden of Grisaia, as well as the Prologue, Short Short Scenario, the After Story, The Leisure of Grisaia, The Afterglow of Grisaia, and The Melody of Grisaia.

Thanks to a newly-opened website, we have a bit of additional information. The Fruit, Labyrinth, and Eden of Grisaia Full Package is confirmed to support English text. Additionally, it will launch in Japan for 7,200 yen at retail and 6,800 yen via download.

Source, Via

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