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The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

Switch – 45,439
PS4 – 18,483
PS4 Pro – 10,999
New3DS LL – 9,628
New2DS LL – 9,403
Vita – 3,913
2DS – 1,772
New 3DS – 331
PS3 – 115
Wii U – 90
Xbox One – 63

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

Switch – 50,074
PS4 – 21,419
New 3DS LL – 12,332
New 2DS LL – 11,515
PS4 Pro – 4,965
Vita – 3,975
2DS – 1,935
New 3DS – 486
Wii U – 116
PS3 – 85
Xbox One – 78

And here are the software charts:

FAST RMX’s big Remix Update arrives later today. Along with new tracks and cups, a few other additions / changes are being implemented as well.

As far as tracks go, these are the additions:

Titanium Cup

Tepaneca Haze
Chuoku Habitat
Ice Coast

Iridium Cup

Cameron Raceway
Sunahara Valley
Scorpio Mine

It’s Wednesday, which means another item distribution is available for Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Switch. Director Hidemaro Fujibayashi has delivered a new message to those who are subscribed to the official news channel. The Emblazoned Shield is the distribution this time around.

Source: Switch news

The latest Pokken Tournament DX character trailer is here focusing on Pikachu Libre. Check out the video below.

A new piece of ARMS art was published on the official Japanese ARMS Twitter account today. This image features the new character Lola Pop in the front while Twintelle, Ribbon Girl, Min Min, and Mechanica are in the background. With the ARMS Twitter account tweeting out this image, could we be expecting to see more info on ARMS during the Nintendo Direct later today? We’ll just have to wait and see but in the meantime you can check out the new image above this post.



Update: Official patch notes added below.

Original: A new update has gone live for the Nintendo Switch Online app. Version 1.1.0 is live on both iOS and Android.

The big improvement with today’s update is that voice chat now works when opening other applications and when sleep mode is enabled. Additionally, the app has improved compatibility with Bluetooth devices on Android. Nintendo took care of some other issues as well.

Nintendo notes that on devices running Android 6.0 or later, voice chat may be interrupted when the device enters sleep mode if power-saving is enabled. This can be disabled in the settings.

2K Sports has released a lengthy TV spot for NBA 2K18 featuring live-action and a bit of gameplay. Check out the video below.

The interviews with Suda51 continue to roll in. Kotaku spoke with the Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes director at PAX West.

Other than talking about the Switch game, Suda51 had some words about the hardware itself. He described it as a “punk console” and was “shocked” when he first saw it.

Here’s Suda51 talking about Switch in his usually zany way:

Ubisoft has published another new trailer to celebrate the launch of Rayman Legends Definitive Edition. View a video focusing on Kung Foot below.

Update (9/12): The new date of October 5 is officially confirmed:

Original (9/11): Axiom Verge might be just a few weeks away on Switch. Over on the European eShop, a release date of October 5 is included in a new page listing. For what it’s worth, it’s listed for October 19 on the North American store.

It was announced last week that Axiom Verge’s physical version has been delayed by a couple of weeks. Due to that, the eShop version might be releasing early so that Switch owners interested in a digital copy won’t have to wait too much longer.

In other news, we have the file size for Axiom Verge on Switch. It’ll take up 119MB of space.

Source: Switch eShop

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