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Wii U eShop

Runner2 isn’t the only Wii U eShop title confirmed to have sold one million copies this week. Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams has reached the same target, Black Forest Games has announced.

Black Forest Games’s managing director Andreas Speer said of the milestone:

“One million copies sold absolutely qualifies Giana Sisters as an indie hit – and yet it took a Kickstarter campaign to be able to develop the game. It wouldn’t have been possible in the classic way through publisher financing. It is only thanks to the dedication of our 6,000 backers that one million gamers (and counting) got the chance to play.”


Ballpoint Universe will take a little while longer to launch. According to developer Arachnid Games, it’ll require 2-3 weeks of additional development time while last-minute bugs are ironed out.

The studio confirmed on Twitter:

As for pricing, Wii U owners can expect Ballpoint Universe to cost $4.99.

In addition to 3DS, Turtle Tale is now slated for Wii U. Developer Saturnine Games sent the 3DS version off recently and then began experimenting with Wii U. The console version “is coming along very quickly”, though a release date is a long ways off.

Saturnine Games wrote on Twitter today:

Saturnine Games’ Edward Di Geronimo also tweeted out some positive thoughts about working with Wii U:


The OFLC has rated yet another probable release for the Virtual Console. Yesterday, Nobunaga’s Ambition was added to the Australian classification database. My guess would be that this rating is for the Wii U eShop. We’ll keep track of this listing going forward.

EnjoyUp Games has submitted Abyss for Wii U to Nintendo for approval. That means the game is practically done and ready for launch. Hopefully it’s a sign we’ll be seeing it soon!

How Seven! is working on a Wii U eShop version of Kiki’s Koi-Koi. The title provides players with a chance to play the Japanese card game Koi-Koi.

On Wii U, Kiki’s Koi-Koi features “a fresh coat of paint” and brand new modes. It’ll be out on the eShop later this year.


A quick heads up for our European friends out there: Wii Sports Club’s new update is now available. The same patch, which adds the Resort Course, is also out in North America and Japan.


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