Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:
The Villager’s special attack, the Lloid Rocket, is a projectile weapon like no other–you can either launch it or ride on it. When you fire it off, keep pressing the button to hop aboard–you can even control its speed. It’s more powerful when you’re riding it.
This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:
3DS Retail
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 – $29.99
3DS Download
3D Sonic The Hedgehog – $5.99
3D Altered Beast – $5.99
Brilliant Hamsters! – $9.99
Donkey Kong 3 – $4.99
Hooked on Bass Fishing – $4.99 / 500 points
Wii U VC
The Legend of The Mystical Ninja – $7.99
eShop sale
Donkey Kong headlines the final week of this special offer on select games in the Nintendo eShop. Now through 9 a.m. PT on Dec. 12, get 30 percent off on Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. and Donkey Kong 3 for Wii U, as well as Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. and Game & Watch: Donkey Kong Jr. for Nintendo 3DS.
Source: Nintendo PR
Longtime character designer Akihiko Yoshida has left Square Enix after working at the company for close to two decades. Yoshida joined Square Soft way back in 1995.
Yoshida’s departure is confirmed through a message left in the Bravely Default art book just released in Japan.
The following message is included in his personal message section:
System: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: October 24, 2013
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Author: Patrick
I’ve always had a soft spot for the Ace Attorney games. Their combination of legal drama, an exaggerated anime style and frequently hilarious dialogue resulted in some of the most memorable adventure games on the original DS. After passing the protagonist baton for a few entries, the original Ace Attorney —Phoenix Wright— returns to the courtroom with a fresh look and a few new faces. Unfortunately, I have a few objections to this new entry in the series. Phoenix might have retained his aptitude at bluffing his way through trials, but there’s a sense that the game’s writers have lost some of their ability to string together a cohesive story with interesting, well-developed characters.
The latest reward on the Japanese Club Nintendo site is a pair of Animal Crossing magnets. Members can order the items for 250 points starting today.
Square Enix has released a special notebook replica for Bravely Default based on the one found in the game. It’s available through the publisher’s Japanese store for 2,000 yen. The notebook contains 192 blank pages to write in, wrapped in silver foil, and downloadable costume codes that previously came with the drama CD.
A few months ago, there were reports that Renesas Electronics would be shutting down its plants, including one that handles Wii U’s embedded DRAM. However, a few Japanese sources such as Nihon Keizai Shimbu, Toyo Keizai, Nikkei, Reuters, Sankei Digital, Mainichi and Asahi Digital say Sony could end up acquiring the Tsuruoka plant. Indeed: that’s where Wii U’s eDRAM is produced.
Japanese outlets claim that the acquisition could begin as early as next week. Sony appears to be interested in Renesas Electronics so that it can enhance production of its CMOS sensors for smartphones.
When news first emerged of Renesas’ potential closure, Nintendo said at the time that Wii U production would not be affected.