It’s no secret that Beyond Good & Evil did not perform up to Ubisoft’s expectations. While the game was met with a great reception from critics, it wasn’t a financial hit.
The fact that Beyond Good & Evil was essentially a commercial failure still causes Ubisoft to be cautious today. According to Child of Light creative director Patrick Plourde, the publisher was hesitant to move forward the project.
Plourde told GamesIndustry:
“If the game is a missed opportunity, then it’s going to be a missed opportunity for years. Even when I pitched Child of Light, they mentioned Beyond Good & Evil. They said ‘Beyond Good & Evil was not a success, and we made that mistake once.’ And it’s like, yeah, but it’s 10 years ago… If somebody tries something and fails, there are going to be repercussions for other people. For me it would be a shame if that happens. I don’t think people are malevolent or evil about that. It’s just if it fails, they’re going to be careful greenlighting other projects like that.”
The Assassin’s Creed franchise has already visited plenty of time periods, locations, and settings. A new Assassin’s Creed game taking place in present day is unlikely, however.
Assassin’s Creed IV lead writer
more or less ruled out the possibility during a Reddit AMA he participated in earlier today. He said:
“I doubt we would do a modern day AC. There are just too many mechanics we would have to develop to make it believeable [sic] … vehicles, plausible modern cities, a huge array of ranged weapons, etc. The modern day will most likely remain as a “context” for all future games, something to tie them all together.”
Wario’s Woods may be releasing on the Virtual Console tomorrow. Nintendo’s website has entries in its database up for Wii U and 3DS versions. Note that these listings are tentative, so they’re not officially confirmed at this time.
There hasn’t been much news about the Wii U version of Project CARS, but it’s fortunately still on track. Slightly Mad Studios has confirmed plans to release the game in fall 2014.
Studio head Ian Bell said:
“Project CARS has always led the pack in terms of insane detail. Whether that’s graphically in the craftsmanship of our cars and tracks, technically in the way we’ve approached weather and time of day, or emotionally in how each car feels and responds to your touch. These powerful new platforms allow us therefore to not compromise on the quality of our vision and ultimately that means players are going to experience something truly breathtaking when they get behind the wheel.”
You can find today’s full announcement here.
Destructoid recently had the chance to speak with the Super Mario 3D World composers – specifically Mahito Yokota and Koji Kondo. You can check out their responses after the break. Also be sure to check out Destructoid’s full article here.