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Posted 11 years ago by in Uncategorized | 12 Comments

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You may have noticed how VD-Dev’s website contains a Wii U logo. Does that mean the IronFall team has plans to develop for Nintendo’s home console in addition to the 3DS? Unfortunately, that would be a no.

We did receive confirmation from VD-Dev that the studio is authorized to make games for Wii U and PS Vita. However, there are “no plans” to get involved with either system at this time.

Next month, Capcom and Nintendo will release a new bundle for Monster Hunter 4. It’ll come with a specially designed 3DS system (standard) and a downloadable copy of the game.

Pricing is set at 19,800 yen. The bundle launches on November 7.



Pokemon X/Y players have found a couple of references to Hoenn in the game. This discovery, along with other hints, has sparked speculation over the possibility of a future Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire remake.

Pokemon Red/Blue were remade as FireRed and LeafGreen for the Game Boy Advance. Then came HeartGold/SoulSilver for the DS. Might Ruby and Sapphire be next for the 3DS?


A few downloadable 3DS titles have been discounted on the eShop. For the full lineup, check out the listing below. Note that these price drops appear to be final (as far as I can tell, anyway).

Johnny Kung Fu – $4.99 (was $5.99)
Johnny Hotshot – $4.99 (was $5.99)
Johnny Impossible – $4.99 (was $5.99)
Balloon Pop Remix – $4.99 (was $7.99)
Planet Crashers – $4.99 (was $9.99)
Order Up!! – $4.99 (was $9.99)

Three new Virtual Console games are on track for the Japanese Wii U eShop next week. Urban Champion, Pinball, and Baseball will be out on October 23. Pricing is set at 500 yen each.


Wakedas footage

Posted 11 years ago by in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments

Two new games have been confirmed for the Japanese 3DS Virtual Console. Puyo Puyo 2 (Game Gear) and Mega Man IV (Game Boy) will be out on October 30. Pricing is set at 300 yen and 400 yen respectively.


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