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Nintendo’s announcement for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Limited Edition listed a MSRP of $54.99. However, GameStop ended up charging consumers $59.99.

Some fans were curious about the discrepancy, and therefore decided to write in to the retailer’s customer service center for answers. GameStop did respond, and noted that its pricing is “based on many factors including current demand, features and availability.” While it’s true that MSRP usually indicates pricing, the message indicated that this isn’t always so.

The message in full states:

Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda will be appearing on an upcoming episode of Pokemon Smash. On September 15, he’ll be around to showcase Mega Evolutions in an Pokemon X/Y “Institute Special”. There’s a good chance that we’ll be hearing about some of the things Masuda intends to cover before then through CoroCoro leaks.


Miiverse is coming to the 3DS eventually. We’ve also heard speculation about Nintendo Network IDs being implemented on the handheld. Apparently, both items are coming in October – after Pokemon X/Y have launched.

Emily Rogers, who tends to be in the know when it comes to Nintendo rumors, shared the nugget on Twitter a short while ago:


Namco Bandai has sent out a newly updated release schedule for the UK. You can find the full set of dates below.


Source: Namco Bandai PR

Batman: Arkham Origins will offer players a number of different skins. These will be accessible after completing the campaign, creative director Eric Holmes has confirmed.

Holmes wrote on Twitter:

Batman: Arkham Origins’ skins include costumes from Adam West 60?s TV show, Knightfall, The Long Halloween, Earth-2, Thrillkiller, One Million, and Worst Nightmare.

Source, Via

Nintendo of Europe’s business development manager Ed Valiente delivered a presentation at the Indie Games Collective “How 2” workshops event earlier today. Valiente’s talk was all about the eShop – how there are few barriers when it comes to indie titles, ideals and functionality that Nintendo promotes, and more. We also received confirmation that Miiverse is coming to the 3DS “soon” and dedicated Miiverse smartphone apps are on the way.

A summary of what was shared during Nintendo’s event can be found below.

– No paid featured slots in the eShop
– It has always been possible to self-publish
– No concept approval
– Not required to use Nintendo features
– Doesn’t have to be an exclusive game
– Set and control your own prices on the eShop
– eShop doesn’t have a sales threshold
– Once again, you also don’t need an office to be a developer on Nintendo platforms
– Nintendo gives out free promo codes and 3DS QR codes before launch
– Nintendo’ Be a licensed dev. Get dev kit. Request game code. Make game. Lotcheck. Set price/rel date. Launch’ simple to self pub
– Devs can get ‘verified’ Miis to be able to interact with their game’s community in Miiverse on Wii U and soon on 3DS
– “We want to surprise people & put smiles on their faces so if your game can do that then bring it to us”
– Smartphone apps will be available for Miiverse
– Nintendo on 4P-games: “For us social gaming is not about people spamming on social networks but playing together in the same room.”
– No indie ghetto: “make a platformer, you’ll appear alongside Mario; an RPG alongside Zelda” on the eShop
– Free-to-play games allowed
– Nintendo curates based on quality
– Change a game’s price whenever you want
– Industry standard revenue share
– Easily update games


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