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Bandai Namco has prepared a new set of screenshots from My Hero Academia: Battle for All. View them in the gallery below.

A total of five Minecraft: Story Mode episodes were previously announced. But today, Telltale Games confirmed that three post-season episodes are also on the way.

As for what Telltale has in store, the company only divulged the following:

“These continuing Adventures of the New Order of the Stone will follow the additional escapades of Jesse the group as they explore new and unfamiliar worlds beyond their own. All three of these episodes will be add-ons to the season, so you’ll need to own at least the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode in order to purchase and play these three chapters in the series which will include episodes 6, 7, and 8.”

Telltale has only brought out the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode on Wii U thus far. We should be getting the other four episodes at some point, along with the newly-announced post-season releases.

Telltale also shared the following regarding the fifth Minecraft: Story Mode episode, which has now wrapped up development:

On a tip from Ivor, Jesse and friends head to an abandoned temple holding mysterious treasures. Ambushed by former Ocelot Aiden and his crew, our heroes find themselves in an entirely new world: Sky City! As they explore, the Order finds that resources are at a premium, and nothing but ‘The Void’ exists below the known world. When Aiden convinces Sky City’s ruler that the New Order of the Stone are up to no good, you’ll need to make some tough choices to clear your name, and keep Aiden from destroying an innocent world.


Nintendo has opened up the North American Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge website. Find it here.

Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge can be obtained early by purchasing an amiibo at Amazon, Best Buy, or GameStop between March 25 and April 27. It’ll be released on the eShop for free starting April 28.

Miitomo is packed with some neat little Easter eggs. There are a couple of Nintendo-specific ones, such as “Nintendo” itself as well as “Nintendo Direct”. You can get a look at these and more in GameXplain’s video below.


Atlus sent out a new media blast for Etrian Odyssey V today. That means we have new screenshots, art, and plenty of details pertaining to the game. All of the content is rounded up below, with translations coming from Gematsu.


– Arcadia is a land dominated by swords and magic
– A huge tree from ancient times called “Yggdrasil” exists here and is to be the reason that peace visits the world
– There is a legend about that World Tree
– If you can manage to reach its untrodden summit, it is said that your dreams will come true
– “The power to dominate the world.” “The most powerful.” “The world’s mysteries.” “Expensive treasures.”
– 4 races on the land
– Each has a different legend, but no person has been able to confirm them
– From the city “Aeolis” at the bottom of Yggdrasil, the official orders are issued
– In pursuit of the legend, the courageous adventurers who will challenge Yggdrasil gather in Aeolis
– Players take on the role of one of the adventurers in response to the official orders
– Challenge the labyrinths and aim for the top of the World Tree

Update: Fire Emblem has sold out. Star Fox is still up currently.

If you’re in Europe and still looking for the Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition, you may want to head on over to Amazon Italy. It’s up on the retailer as of this moment. You can place an order here.

The Star Fox Zero: First Print Edition is also up on Amazon Italy. That can be found here.

Update (3/22): Bumped to the top. Mega Man Legacy Collection is $20 on Amazon as a lightning deal today.

Original (3/17): The Mega Man Legacy Collection Collector’s Edition is now available on Amazon once again, and this seems to be the first restock since launch. Place an order here. You can also grab the standard version for $23 here.

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness (PS4) – 9/9/8/8
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 (3DS) – 9/9/8/9
Winning Post 8 2016 (PS4/PS3/PSV) – 8/8/8/8
Kono Oozora Ni Tsubasa Wo Hirogete Cruise Sign (PSV) – 8/8/8/8
Silverio Vendetta: Verse of Orpeus (PSV) – 8/7/7/8
Ore ni Hatarakette Iwaretemo Tori (PSV) – 7/7/7/7
Escape Fantasy: Alice in Escape Land (3DS) – 7/6/7/6

Inside-Games chatted with some staff who worked on Mega Man Battle Network in celebration of the series’ 15th anniversary. At one point, Masakazu Eguchi, Kouetsu Matsuda, and Hayato Kaji recall how it started out as a horror game of all things.

Here’s the excerpt, as translated by Mega Man Battle Network 3D:

Now that you mention it— It was a launch title, wasn’t it? Even though EXE was of the first generation (of GBA titles), it already gave an impression of perfection.

Eguchi: Actually, the team’s first game was a horror game.

Oh? What do you mean?

Eguchi: It started with, “what should we make for the GBA?” It had us making a game that links to your heartbeat with a wearable device. The theme was “having fun while your heart pounds”-horror game.

Matsuda: I went to Expoland’s haunted house for research.

Kaji: You remember it quite well, huh? (laughs)

Eguchi: Thinking that now… how did that become EXE? (laughs) I wonder…?

Kaji: Certainly, the mechanics became quite difficult to handle.

Matsuda: After that, card games gained popularity around that time. We wanted to reap the trend while upholding Capcom’s pride.


Following Miitomo’s recent successes after its launch in Japan, Bloomberg reports that Nintendo’s stocks rose by 8.2 %, being valued at 16,515 yen as of today. This is the biggest jump Nintendo’s stocks have seen since February 2015. Nintendo’s partner (and mutual shareholder) DeNA saw a similar increase in their stocks, which went up by 6.5 %.

Granted, stocks, by nature, see a constant up-and-down, but it’s still good news for Nintendo after what can undoubtedly be called a successful launch for Miitomo. Of course, now everyone’s eyes turn towards the app’s launch in many western countries, which is scheduled for “late March” – likely next week.

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