Arc System Works has come out with a new commercial for River City Ransom SP. Take a look at the video below.
Cypronia has confirmed that Cube Life: Island Survival version 1.2 will be available in all territories next month. As for what it entails, here’s the lowdown:
– Share Custom Maps (like Super Mario Maker)
– 400+ items are now available! New items like ladders, motorboats, diving masks, traps, etc.
– Completely redesigned AI. Canibals are now smarter.
– Stealth attacks! Approach an enemy from behind and gain the upper hand
– Bigger world to explore at 3,520 x 3,520 blocks (was previously 2,880 x 2,880)
– New pets: Added Chickens, Boars, Baby Boars, and Giant Crabs
– New Animals: Rabbits, Puffer Fish, Parrots, Lizards, Gorillas, Crabs, and Jellyfish
– Fight New Enemy Bosses: The Kraken, and Cannibal Boss
– Assign commands to pets now (defensive, offensive, or collect items)
– New Color Map with Radar (displays position of enemies, pets)
– New release territory – Available for download in Australia + New Zealand
Cube Life: Island Survival is doing very well in Japan, where it launched earlier this month. It’s currently ranked third in the recent best-sellers list on the Wii U eShpo.
Project X Zone 2 is out now in Europe, and will be releasing in North America on Tuesday. Get a look at the launch trailer below.
This week’s expanded Japanese software sales are as follows:
01./00. [PS4] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
02./01. [PSV] Dragon Quest Builders: Alefgard o Fukkatsu Niseyo #
03./02. [PS4] Dragon Quest Builders: Alefgard o Fukkatsu Niseyo
04./04. [PS3] Dragon Quest Builders: Alefgard o Fukkatsu Niseyo
05./03. [WIU] Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
06./09. [3DS] Monster Hunter X #
07./13. [WIU] Splatoon #
08./15. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch Busters: Red Cat Team / White Dog Squad
09./16. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition
10./06. [PS4] Yakuza: Kiwami
11./17. [3DS] Monster Strike
12./08. [PS3] Yakuza: Kiwami
13./12. [3DS] Hyrule Warriors Legends #
14./19. [WIU] Super Mario Maker #
15./18. [PS4] Just Cause 3
16./00. [PSV] Sangoku Koi Senki: Omoide Gaeshi – CS Edition
17./07. [PS4] Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 #
18./24. [PS4] Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege
19./28. [3DS] Disney Magic World 2 #
20./11. [PS3] Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 #
The Twilight Princess HD Twitter page has given us another bit of insight from Malo. Here, he highlights Telma, the bar owner in Castle Town.
Here’s our translation:
“…It’s Malo. This is Miss Telma, the barkeeper of the bar in Castle Town… She’s a woman who’s very caring and broad-minded… The heroine for me is definitely Miss Telma…”
Nintendo has announced the schedule for Nintendo Network maintenance happening next week. At some poor both the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS online services will be affected. There will be two maintenance periods.
The first period will affect online play and leaderboards for both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. The schedule is:
– 9 PM PT (Monday) – 12 AM PT (Tuesday)
– 12 AM ET (Tuesday) – 3 AM ET (Tuesday)
– 5 AM in the UK (Tuesday) – 8 AM in the UK (Tuesday)
– 6 AM in Europe (Tuesday) – 9 AM in Europe (Tuesday)
The second maintenance period will affect online services for the Nintendo 3DS and the schedule is:
– 1 PM PT (Monday) – 6 PM PT (Monday)
– 4 PM ET (Monday) – 9 PM ET (Monday)
– 9 PM in the UK (Monday) – 2 AM in the UK
– 10 PM in Europe (Monday) – 3 AM in Europe
This week’s Wii U eShop charts are as follows:
1. Minecraft: Wii U Edition
2. Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1
3. Super Mario Maker
4. Zelda: The Minish Cap
5. Super Mario World
6. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
7. Super Mario 64
8. EarthBound
9. Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
10. Super Mario Bros. 3
11. Super Mario Bros.
12. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
13. Metroid: Zero Mission
14. Paper Mario
15. Octodad: Dadliest Catch
16. Shovel Knight
17. Donkey Kong Country
18. Castlevania
19. Zelda: A Link to the Past
20. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
1. Minecraft: Story Mode Trailer
2. Play Nintendo Introduction Video
3. Super Smash Bros. – Bayonetta Gets Wicked
4. Super Mario Advance 4; Super Mario Bros. 3 Trailer
5. LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Trailer
6. Yoshi’s Woolly World Adventure Guide Episode 1
7. Great Games to Buy with eShop Cards
8. Star Fox Zero | Introducing Star Fox
9. Super Smash Bros. – Final Presentation
10. LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Trailer
11. Yoshi’s Woolly World Adventure Guide Episode 3
12. New Super Mario Bros. U Video
13. Nintendo Minute – Super Mario Maker SUP-tember Fav levels 1
14. Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty Nindies@Night PAX Trailer
15. Shadow Puppeteer Trailer
16. Yoshi’s Woolly World Adventure Guide Episode 2
17. Zelda: The Minish Cap Trailer
18. Super Smash Bros. – Corrin Chooses to Smash
19. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash – Smash the Competition Trailer
20. LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Launch Trailer
Source: Wii U eShop
About an hour ago, Nintendo released the “I Choose You!” Event Course in Super Mario Maker. By completing it three times, you’ll unlock costumes for Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. Watch a full playthrough of the Event Course below.
And here’s a closer look at the new costumes:
A ton of footage is now available from Project X Zone 2’s English release. Check out the video below for over an hour of gameplay.
Next weekend, Pokemon Centers in Japan will begin selling special Splatoon T-shirts based on the upcoming Splatfest. Designs for Red (Charizard) and Green (Venusaur) are due out on February 20.
Here are some photos:
Just to reiterate from the previous post, North America and Europe’s Splatfest is Red vs. Blue. In Japan, it’s Red vs. Green.