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Marvelous is about to reach a sales milestone for Story of Seasons. The company has announced that its game is closing in on 300,000 copies shipped in Japan.

Marvelous is celebrating the news with a special sale. 3DS owners in Japan will be able to purchase Story of Seasons for 2,500 yen as opposed to 5,184 yen between December 24 and January 7. A PC/smartphone background drawn by Igusa Matsuyama can also be downloaded here.


Natsume Championship Wrestling is due out on the North American Wii U Virtual Console tomorrow, according to Nintendo’s website. The game is priced at $7.99. Look for it on the eShop at 12 PM ET / 9 AM PT.


Pokemon games block players from naming their creatures anything offensive under most circumstances. But unfortunately, hackers have circumvented these restrictions and are now flooding the Pokemon Global Trade Station with profanely-named Pokemon.

Fans are trying to improve the situation by doing things like grabbing the poorly-named Pokemon from the GTS, renaming them, and redistributing them online – which requires its own hacking methods ironically enough. Hopefully official action will be taken in the near future.


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Tomodachi Life sold over 200,000 copies in Germany for the months of November, The Federal Association of Interactive Entertainment Software has announced. Thanks to its success, the game received a platinum award along with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Grand Theft Auto V.

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS did quite well, too, having moved over 100,000 units last month (October launch sales have not been disclosed). The game earned a bronze award for its sales.

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Will Zelda Wii U and Star Fox Wii U make use of amiibo? It certainly sounds like it.

During Shigeru Miyamoto’s recent interview with iJustine, he indicated that both titles will feature amiibo integration of some sort. Specifics were not shared, however.

Miyamoto said:

“I can’t really say just yet… but we do plan on doing something so that people who have amiibo will get some enjoyment out of having amiibo and using them in those games.”


Another excerpt coming from today’s iJustine Shigeru Miyamoto video concerns Mario Maker. Miyamoto once again confirmed online functionality for the title, and went as far as to say that popularity rankings are being implemented.

Miyamoto’s full words are below:

You’ll be able to see what happens when other people play your course, or when you play other peoples courses… there’ll be popularity rankings for the most popular courses and things like that… so there’s a lot on the community side.


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