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Another few Splatoon screenshots have arrived on Twitter. View them above, and a translation below.

Investigative Report.
The Roller allows you to paint the ground as you move around, but if you shake it, you can spread ink over a wide area. So, while it’s got a short range, but it can unleash a powerful attack.
Apparently, rolling around right after using the powerful shake feels really good.



Update: Two more file sizes for you! Sin & Punishment: Star Successor is 932MB while Pandora’s Tower is 2976.7MB.

Sonic Advance and Zengeki no Reginleiv are among the new Wii U eShop releases in Japan today. Regarding file sizes, the downloads come in at 69MB and 3,658MB respectively. Those two couldn’t be any further apart!

Source 1, Source 2

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