Nintendo has shared data for amiibo in the past, but most of the numbers have been specific to the U.S. Company president Satoru Iwata offered something a bit clearer today as part of Nintendo’s financial results today. According to Iwata, roughly 5.7 million amiibo have been sold worldwide.
Little Orbit confirmed today that a new Adventure Time video game is in development. The “soon-to-be announced” project is coming to various systems, which we assume will at least include 3DS.
In conjunction with today’s news, Little Orbit is kicking off a “Design an Adventure Time Character Contest”. The winning entry will be included in the company’s upcoming game.
Below are the full details:
WHAT: Design a new Adventure Time character for the next soon-to-be announced Adventure Time video game published by Little Orbit.
WHEN: January 27, 2015 – February 17, 2015
GRAND PRIZE: The winning design will appear in the next Adventure Time video game!
HOW: Email your design in a .jpg file no larger than 5MB to [email protected] and include name, birth date (must be 13 years or older to win), address, phone number, email address and a two sentence character description. You must be a legal resident of the United States to be eligible. The winning character and artist will be announced on the Little Orbit Facebook page in early March.
More information about the contest can be found on the official page here.
Update 5: Out of stock again (thanks zanmadyne).
Update 4: Let’s keep playing this game, shall we? It’s back in stock again (thanks Caleb).
Update 3: And gone again.
Update 2: And back in stock again!
Update: Gone!
The Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate New 3DS XL bundle can be ordered once again at GameStop. Remember: it’s exclusive to the retailer in the U.S., so other stores won’t be carrying the system. For those that are interested, an order can be placed here.
Well, this is certainly something! A NicoNico user going by the name “Wakou” has used the program Audio Pad to control Mario with sound. That makes him able to play Super Mario World with just his noise and a recorder.
Wakou uses the following commands to control Mario:
“Do” – up
“Mi” – down
“Re” – left
“Fa” – right
“Sol” – b utton
“Ti” – y button
Famitsu has a big update on Xenoblade Chronicles X this week. There’s a total of ten pages dedicated to the game, including an interview with director Tetsuya Takahashi.
The following information has leaked out of Famitsu thus far:
– Mira is 400km^2, which is 5 times the size of Xenoblade’s world
– Takahashi’s final check play time was over 300 hours
– “Union” Sound; something like factions for quests
– There are 8 of them, and you can join any of them, and change them depending on your goal
– Nagi (Takayuki Sugou): Former Captain of the White Whale and current Military Chief in the Autonomous Government of New Los Angeles
– Guin (Yuichi Nakamura): Worked in the same division as Elma and Irina on Earth; was their subordinate
– Many options for player avatar customization
– Kunihiko Tanaka did the preset avatar designs
– Some famous voices actors providing their voice as options for the avatar, will be announced on the Xenoblade homepage later
– GamePad shows character locations, quest locations
– Warp to previously visited areas on the GamePad
– The use of ‘X [Cross]’ has implications for the online functionality
– Not a standard online game, more ‘loosely connected’
– About 90 songs in the game
– Xenoblade had 1 vocal song at the end, but Xenoblade X has many vocal songs (many for an RPG)
– Sawano involved in all aspects of music
– Battles are faster paced, more-actiony than Xenobalde
– Differentiates close and distant attacks
– No healers
– Healing done with new system called ‘Soul Voice’
– 4-player party
– You control 1 character, the AI controls the rest
– More unique monsters and equipment than Xenoblade
– Xenoblade was a traditional RPG, whereas Xenoblade X is an open world RPG
– Xenoblade was linear despite having big world
– Xenoblade X you will get quests from different places and have more freedom