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Another set of amiibo are due out towards the end of this week. Nintendo will release Lucas in addition to the latest Animal Crossing figures and cards. In the image above, you can see in-store stock estimates for the different amiibo.

For the most part you shouldn’t have too much trouble locating the different amiibo. Online is also an option, and they’ve been pretty well-stocked at places like Amazon thus far!



Two amiibo are down to their lowest prices yet on Amazon. You can pick up Chibi-Robo for $7, and Tom Nook for only $5.48. Amazon sales tend to come and go, so be sure to grab them if you have any interest!

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Some Animal Crossing fans are already getting their hands on the second wave of amiibo figures for the series. Below, you can watch an unboxing video for Kicks and Celeste.

The Skylanders SuperChargers Nintendo combo packs are out now in the UK. These include Bowser and Donkey Kong, along with their respective vehicles. There’s just one thing: both packs are exclusive to Smyths Toys. Pricing is set at £24.99 each.


All amiibo figures Nintendo have shipped thus far have a protective piece preventing consumers from using them while in the box. However, Yacht Club Games opted for a different approach with Shovel Knight. It’s actually possible to scan the character without removing him from the box.

Speaking with Polygon, Yacht Club’s David D’Angelo said the team went in this direction due to fan feedback. He explained:

“We got a lot of feedback from fans before release who wanted to be able to scan the amiibo inside the packaging so they could still use the figure [in-game] while keeping it as a collector’s item. We didn’t see much issue with their request: while you can stand with a 3DS in store and try to scan it — we didn’t think that was actually something people would do due to the nature of the content we were making.”

Nintendo was completely fine with Yacht Club’s decision, and signed off on having Shovel Knight ship without the protective piece.


Nintendo UK’s store has started taking pre-orders for the Lucas amiibo and second wave of Animal Crossing amiibo. All of the upcoming figures can be reserved here. They’re all due out later this month.

GameStop has started accepting orders for the new Skylanders amiibo combo packs. Hammer Slam Bowser with Clown Cruiser, in addition to Donkey Kong with Barrel Blaster, can be ordered here. Each one is priced at $25.

Many of you are probably aware that Nintendo’s line of amiibo figures don’t work unless they’re taken out of the packaging. Each box comes with a protective piece of material that blocks NFC functionality from being used.

With Shovel Knight, however, this isn’t an issue. There’s no material to speak of with the new figure. It’s not exactly easy to use Shovel Knight while he’s still in the box, but it can definitely be done.


The Shovel Knight amiibo is now available on GameStop. That makes sense, as the figure is out today! Place an order here if you’re still looking to secure Shovel Knight.

Update: Wave 2 of the Animal Crossing amiibo are up now here as well. That includes Resetti, Blathers, Celeste, and Kicks. Animal Crossing amiibo cards series 2 pre-orders are up here.

Amazon has put up pre-orders for the Lucas amiibo. Get yours here. Lucas will be officially released on January 22.

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