[Let’s Talk] Fire Emblem Heroes impressions
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk, Mobile | 34 Comments
Nintendo’s next mobile game, Fire Emblem Heroes, arrived this past week. It’s the debut appearance for Fire Emblem on smart devices, and the company’s first real attempt at a “gacha” game.
How many of you have downloaded Fire Emblem Heroes and tried it out? What are your thoughts thus far? If you have anything to say about the game, be sure to share your thoughts with us below.
Highlights from last week’s topic: The future of 3DS
[Interview] Frozenbyte talks Has-Been Heroes, developing for Switch, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Interviews, Switch | 3 Comments
In January, Trine developer Frozenbyte announced a brand new project. Has-Been Heroes, a new roguelike title, will be on Switch – and very soon. A release date of March 28 has already been determined.
We caught up with Kai Tuovinen from Frozenbyte this week to learn a bit more about Has-Been Heroes. Tuovinen spoke about the game itself, how it’s using HD Rumble, and more. We were also able to receive some comments about what it’s like developing for Switch, among other subjects.
Our full Has-Been Heroes interview with Frozenbyte is below.
More: Frozenbyte, Game Trust, Has Been Heroes, highlight, Kai Tuovinen, top
[Review] Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World
Posted on 8 years ago by Dennis Gagliardotto(@LyonHart_) in 3DS, Reviews | 6 Comments
System: 3DS
Release date: February 3, 2017
Developer: Good-Feel
Publisher Nintendo
Yoshi and his Woolly World are back to entertain you again, but this time on the 3DS – and with a friend. Yoshi has seen a long and healthy run in the handheld space with Yoshi Island remakes, spinoffs, and sequels, before going back to the console space. Now he returns home in Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World on 3DS. After Super Mario Maker, this is the newest 3DS port of a Wii U title from its library, but what’s the difference, if any, between its console counterpart?
[Let’s Talk] The future of 3DS
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Let's Talk | 69 Comments
Much of the attention surrounding Nintendo right now is focused on Switch, and understandably so. But the big N has another system on its hands that isn’t going anywhere. Naturally, we’re talking about the 3DS.
Several titles had already been announced for the portable this year. This week, Nintendo reconfirmed some of its 3DS plans (and some new ones), as well as its committment to the platform.
Don’t forget that Nintendo just announced Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and Fire Emblem Warriors (New 3DS). Aside from that though, Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World comes out next week in the west. Tank Troopers then follows as an eShop title on February 16. Just one week after Switch launches, Mario Sports Superstars arrives in Europe with new amiibo cards to boot – it’ll follow later in March in North America and Japan. Pikmin is still heading to 3DS this year, as is Ever Oasis. Oh, and a Pikachu New 3DS XL system is slated for February along with two new Nintendo Selects in the states.
How’s everyone feeling about 3DS right now? Even after Switch launches, will you continue to play new releases (or older games you have for that matter)? I do think we’ll be seeing at least a few more announcements, whether they’re completely new or localizations of games like Miitopia. Let us know how you feel about 3DS in the comments below.
Highlights from last week’s topic: Fire Emblem Direct reactions
[Let’s Talk] Fire Emblem Direct reactions
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Let's Talk, Mobile, New Nintendo 3DS, Switch | 21 Comments
The huge Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 was only just hosted last week, but Nintendo continued to deliver big news a few days ago. On Wednesday, the company held its new Fire Emblem Direct.
There were quite a few announcements, and some surprises along the way. Nintendo kicked things off by revealing Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia for 3DS, a re-imagining of Fire Emblem Gaiden. Next was the confirmation of a brand new Fire Emblem heading to Switch in 2018, followed by a bit of gameplay from Fire Emblem Warriors – plus the announcement of a New 3DS version. Finally, we got a lengthy look at the mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes.
What do you guys make of the Fire Emblem Direct? Were you surprised to see another Fire Emblem game for 3DS? Do you intend to try out Fire Emblem Heroes when it launches on February 2? Let us know how you feel in the comments below!
Highlights from last week’s topic: Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 reactions
More: Fire Emblem, highlight, top
[Review] Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Posted on 8 years ago by Philip(@P_Trah) in 3DS, Reviews | 7 Comments
System: 3DS
Release date: January 20, 2017
Developer: Square Enix / Level-5
Publisher Nintendo
For a long time, it seemed like the Dragon Quest series was fairly underappreciated in the West. Not necessarily by its publisher Square Enix, but by the fans of its own genre. The series has usually garnered a cult following of sorts overseas all the while enjoying heavy praise in Japan. Yet to my pleasure, I’ve begun to see a somewhat recent change in that viewpoint. With the highly anticipated Dragon Quest XI on the Nintendo Switch’s horizon and the remakes of Dragon Quest VII and now Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King for the Nintendo 3DS, there couldn’t be a better time to get familiar with the Dragon Quest series. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King is an adventure that those who are new to the series or those who are well acquainted with it won’t want to miss out on.
More: Dragon Quest VIII, highlight, top
[Let’s Talk] Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 reactions
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk, Switch | 73 Comments
The Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 finally happened this week. Nintendo delivered on a number of the major points that we needed to know, with the most important two being a release date and price. Switch launches on March 3 for $300 – probably a bit earlier and slightly more expensive than some had anticipated.
Games also took center stage, with Nintendo announcing 1-2-Switch, the new IP Arms, Splatoon 2, Super Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Snipperclips. Zelda: Breath of the Wild is also confirmed for launch. From third-parties, we’re getting games like new Shin Megami Tensei and Tales entries, Project Octopath Traveler from Square Enix, Sonic Mania, FAST RMX, and more.
I’ll leave this brief since I’m still running around like a headless chicken having been insanely busy with little sleep since Thursday, but we want to know how you feel about everything that was shown. How do you feel about the price? What about the games? Are you pleased or disappointed? Let us know below!
Highlights from last week’s topic: The calm before the Switch storm
Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 live stream, live blog
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Videos | 70 Comments
The Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 is almost here. In just two hours, Nintendo will be kicking off the event. It’ll begin at 8 PM PT / 11 PM ET / 4 AM in the UK / 5 AM in Europe.
You can watch the event as it happens with the live stream below. We’ll also be posting a live blog below, which Jake will be handling. Any significant news will also be posted separately. Make sure your body is ready!
Hey, it’s Jake! Presentation hasn’t started yet, but we are seeing the venue on streams! Laser show, DJ, and audience filling up. Times to get hyped!
Shinja Takahashi, head of Software Development, is now speaking about how the Switch has taken aspects of previous Nintendo consoles
Going over controllers now….
[Let’s Talk] The calm before the Switch storm
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk, Switch | 89 Comments
Believe it or not, it was almost two years ago when Satoru Iwata first mentioned NX, Nintendo’s next gaming system known as Switch. Now the moment we’ve all been waiting for is almost here. Towards the end of next week, Nintendo will finally tell us everything we need to know about Switch. What’s the final release date? How much will it cost? What are the launch games, and other titles in the production? These important questions will be answered, among others.
Many people assumed that Nintendo would be hosting some kind of event to unveil Switch last year. Yet instead of that, we were teased with a brief announcement trailer. Since we’re about two months away from launch, so Nintendo really needs to fill us in on pertinent details.
The Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 is what we’re all looking forward to. But even after that, Treehouse Live is returning to give us extensive look at new games. Hands-on events will also begin around the world. It’s almost like E3 in January! Actually, it might be crazier than E3. I know that on my end, there will be a lot more to cover.
So for this week’s Let’s Talk, this is our general pre-Switch reveal discussion thread. We’ll have another one of these next week. Do you have any final predictions? Any last-minute hopes and dreams for the week ahead? Just want to share your excitement overall? You can do all of that in the comments below!
Highlights from last week’s topic: What do you want to see at Super Nintendo World?
Happy New Year! Logo update and small housecleaning
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 43 Comments
The future is here! We’ve finally reached 2017. That means it’s officially the year of Switch. Exciting, right?
To start off 2017, we have a couple of small site updates to bring your way. First, we’ve finally updated NE’s logo. As much as we’ll miss Wii U, Switch is taking over, and it only made sense to reflect that on the site – and so we’ve swapped out the GamePad in our logo for the Switch unit. I ultimately felt that a small, subtle change rather than a complete overhaul would be the right way to go. If you can’t immediately spot the difference… then mission accomplished!
Massive thanks to Beta64 for helping us out with this. He approached me wanting to help, so I’m incredibly grateful. It was almost a happy coincidence that this happened since I’ve been watching Beta64’s YouTube series for a very long time. It’s fantastic stuff and there’s no doubt that it requires a ton of effort, so you should seriously consider giving it a watch.
As another site update, I’m sorry to say that we’re removing NE’s “likes” functionality on January 8. That’s the little text you see in each post (and on the homepage) showing how many times something has been liked. It just wasn’t really used by anyone, and since NE sometimes feels like it’s hanging on by a thread, bogging it down with unnecessary features is probably silly at this point. If or when we find a way to make the functionality more interesting, we’ll definitely consider bringing it back.
Thank you all so, so much for your support in the previous year. I seriously can’t believe that NE will be celebrating its 10th anniversary several months from now. I hope everyone has a great New Year’s and a great 2017 overall. There should be fun times ahead with Switch on the horizon!