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Bombing Bastards has received a 177MB update in Europe. It seems that, primarily, the patch enables sound on the GamePad. We’ll let you know if we hear anything else about the update.


Zen Pinball 2’s new update for Wii U has been delayed in North America. Several new tables were set to go live today including The Walking Dead and Deadpool. Instead, we’ll be seeing the update tomorrow.


Mojo Bones has gone live with a new Siesta Fiesta patch in Europe. It doesn’t add any new functionality, but it does address a notable bug in which medals earned after completing a level were deleted. We’ll let you know if/when the patch becomes available in North America.


The web version of Miiverse has received a small update that allows users to show up to three favorite game genres. Wii U and 3DS have had access to the feature since July.

As mentioned by Miiverse’s Marty:


Shovel Knight players on Wii U will be able to download update 1.1 later today. The patch will also be making its way soon to 3DS.

Here’s the full rundown of the update:


•Fix: Timing issue where the Inventory screen could be opened with the game unpaused.

•Fix: Getting captured by Treasure Knight’s chest while using the Ichor of Boldness leading to a missing Shovel Knight.

•Fix: Cheats not carried over in New Game+ when a file is reloaded.

•Fix: Falling into pit during final boss battles leading to soft lock.

•Fix: Escaping final battle with Propeller Dagger.

•Fix: Fall through floor if using Dust Knuckle when defeating Polar Knight during Round Table.

•Fix: Enchantress blocks frozen by creative Chaos Orb use.

•Fix: Entering Enchantress fight with shovel drop causing crash.

•Tweak: Fixed a portrait and added one slacker to the Hall of Champions.

Wii U

•Game can now be played with out the GamePad! “Please re-connect GamePad” message will only display if it was your last used controller before disconnect or if you were displaying the game on the GamePad screen.

•NEW: GamePad screen can be toggled between Main and Sub type by pressing the “Select Button” within the Pause Menu. Quicker than going all the way to the video option menu!

•Fix: Crash when the battery died on GamePad with certain Wii U system features enabled.

•Fix: Music not resuming if a Miiverse post is selected while the inventory is open on screen.


•NEW! Update option on the main menu makes updating to new versions of Shovel Knight a breeze! Welcome to the internet future, medieval knight man!

•Fix: Home menu crash issues

When the update hits 3DS, we’ll be sure to let you know!


Heads up, Master Reboot players: there’s a new patch waiting to be downloaded. Wales Interactive pushed out the update today, which addresses a glitch in the final level. Both North American and European users can get their hands on the patch as of now.


A fairly substantial update is coming to ZaciSa’s Last Stand on Monday. The patch will make several improvements/changes, address bugs, and bring along new content.

Here’s a comprehensive overview of the update straight from ZeNfA Productions:

New Content

New Map: Twin Souls
Similar to the map Cir’ce Station, this map features two small bases circling each other eternally. If either base is destroyed, this process balance will be destroyed causing the other base to stop in it’s track and it’s ring to slow down. Due to the fast nature of the enemy, this map features the largest starting money of $1500 to get you started.

New Map: Asteroid Mining Station 2
Unlike the map above, this map is simple in comparison. However it does feature four bases this time for you to protect and each of the four corners. Will you protect all four at once or will you sacrifice the rest to save and protect one? Starting money for this map is $800.

New Background Graphics: Nebula Ka’tlTa
This map has had it’s background graphics updated to make the map look and feel more like a Nebula might look and feel. The new background is also animated and features the ability to turn off this animated background and keep it still.

Koei Tecmo has nearly completed the first update for Hyrule Warriors. The company is currently checking to see when it will be available, according to a message posted on the game’s Twitter account.

As previously announced, Hyrule Warriors’ first update will address various bugs/issues. Today’s tweet also confirms that the patch will add a new game mode. Further information was not shared.


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