Limited Run Games “going to try and focus on going all-out on the Switch”
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 10 Comments
Limited Run Games is a name you may have heard of if you play titles on PlayStation platforms. Since 2015, the company has been releasing physical versions of indie titles on PlayStation 4 and primarily PlayStation Vita.
Limited Run Games now has its sights set on Switch. Speaking with CNET, co-founder Josh Fairhurst said the team is “really going to try and focus on going all-out” on Nintendo’s new system.
Fairhurst’s full words:
“I also see a lot of opportunity in the Nintendo Switch. I think many Vita fans will pick one up, maybe even begrudgingly, by the time the Vita is phased out. If we start publishing games there, I think that would be a nice place for Vita fans to relocate, should that become a necessity.”
“We’re really going to try and focus on going all-out on the Switch. Moving to 3DS would be costly and time-consuming and by the time we figure it out, we might as well just have focused on the Switch.”
More: indie, interview, Josh Fairhurst, Limited Run Games, top
Ubisoft on Switch’s audience, initial lineup of games, dev approach, why it will be more successful than Wii U
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Wii U | 29 Comments
GamesIndustry published a new interview with Xavier Poix, the boss of Ubisoft’s French studios, about all things Switch. He weighed in on the audience for Switch, Ubisoft’s initial lineup of games and why they were chosen, the company’s approach to development, and why the system will be more successful than Wii U.
We’ve rounded up some notable excerpts from the interview below. Head on over here for the full discussion.
More: interview, top, Ubisoft, Xavier Poix
Media Create sales (1/9/17 – 1/15/17)
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS, News, Wii U | 1 Comment
The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:
PS4 – 39, 116
New 3DS LL – 23, 212
Vita – 13,816
2DS – 9,243
PS4 Pro – 7,887
New 3DS – 2,091
Wii U – 1,169
PS3 – 701
Xbox One – 75
For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:
PS4 – 78,927
New 3DS LL – 54,645
Vita – 34,023
2DS – 26,214
PS4 Pro – 8,242
New 3DS – 8,019
Wii U – 3,147
PS3 – 1,156
Xbox One – 180
And here are the software charts:
More: charts, Japan, Media Create, sales, top
Goodbye! BoxBoy! receives new details, including information on amiibo functionality
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
Nintendo opened the full Japanese Goodbye! BoxBoy! website today. New details about the game are shared, and we have news about how amiibo works.
Qbby and the rest of the gang who are riding the Box Ship are saving planets eroded by haze to restore the universe to its original form. With the ship, they head to a planet infested by haze, but Qbby ends up falling down to one planet in particular. The game picks up here.
As far as gameplay goes, first let’s go over the different powers:
More: Amiibo, details roundup, Goodbye! BoxBoy!, HAL Laboratory, top
Video: Reggie on Switch – past Virtual Console purchases, smartphone app, multiplayer with 1 cartridge, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Videos | 97 Comments
GameSpot posted its full interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime about Switch. As you would expect, a wide range of topics were addressed.
Reggie commented on Switch’s price and the prices of games themselves, transferring Virtual Console purchases, the smartphone app, possibility of multiplayer with 1 cartridge, online approach, addressing issues from Wii U, and “forgotten” Nintendo franchises. Watch the full interview below.
More: interview, Reggie Fils-Aime, top, Virtual Console
Reggie: Nintendo “thought deeply” about Wii U’s shortcomings, Switch improving upon communication and strong games
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Wii U | 57 Comments
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, speaking with GameSpot, mentioned that Nintendo “thought deeply” about Wii U’s shortcomings. He shared two reasons for the system’s failures.
First, Reggie admitted that the messaging behind Wii U wasn’t clear, stating that the “clarity of the consumer proposition” was not strong enough. He also pointed to a lack of steady flow of compelling games.
When it comes to Switch, Reggie believes Nintendo has addressed the communication issue:
More: interview, Reggie Fils-Aime, top
Aonuma says Switch could get another Zelda game
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 119 Comments
After a long wait, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild finally launches in March. With the game so close, some fans can’t help but wonder what could come next for the series.
One possibility series producer Eiji Aonuma isn’t ruling out is another title for Switch. “I haven’t been able to fully use all of the new features of the system,” Aonuma told IGN. “There could be the possibility of another Zelda on Nintendo Switch.”
Zelda: Breath of the Wild – lineup of differences between Switch and Wii U from Nintendo
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Wii U | 28 Comments
Nintendo has provided IGN with an listing of differences The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has on Switch and Wii U. While most details were known, the Switch edition is officially confirmed to run at 900p. Nintendo also mentions “higher-quality environmental sounds” on Switch.
Here’s the full rundown:
- Both launch on the same day, March 3.
- Both have a frame rate of 30fps.
- Both versions of the game offer the same content.
- On a TV, the Nintendo Switch version of the game renders in 900p while the Wii U version renders in 720p.
- The Nintendo Switch version has higher-quality environmental sounds. As a result, the sound of steps, water, grass, etc. are more realistic and enhance the game’s Open-Air feel.
- The physical copy of the Wii U version will require 3GB of available memory on the Wii U system or an external drive.
- Some icons, such as onscreen buttons, differ between the two versions.
- A Special Edition and Master Edition of the Wii U version are not available.
EA’s Patrick Soderlund on bringing FIFA to Switch, future support, system can stand up to mobile, hyped for Zelda
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 29 Comments
EA executive vice president Patrick Soderlund stopped by the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 last week to announce FIFA for the big N’s new console. IGN caught up with him to talk about the publisher’s support a bit more in-depth.
Soderlund started out with the following:
“We’ve been with Nintendo for a very long time. I’m a Nintendo fanboy since I grew up. Nintendo is the reason I got into gaming.”
“What I like about Nintendo is that they come to the table with a slightly different approach. They’ve done that in the past to great success, and sometimes not so much, but I think unless you’re willing to think about something unconventional, it’s going to be hard to break ground. Nintendo forces us to think differently. (Switch) challenges conventions, as game makers, makes us think about the platform in a different way.”
Tomorrow’s Fire Emblem Direct will feature multiple titles, revealing mobile game
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Mobile, News, Switch | 40 Comments
Update: Very quick update for you. Nintendo’s Japanese Twitter page says the Fire Emblem mobile game will be revealed.
Original: A Fire Emblem Direct was announced last week as part of the Treehouse Live stream. The presentation has now been officially confirmed, with Nintendo stating that multiple titles will be featured.
You can expect the Fire Emblem Direct to begin at the following times:
– 2 PM PT
– 5 PM ET
– 10 PM in the UK
– 11 PM in Europe
A Fire Emblem Nintendo Direct is arriving this Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 2PM PST. Prepare yourselves!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) January 17, 2017
The Treehouse Live stream indicated that Fire Emblem Warriors would at least be featured. Another possibility is the inclusion of the Fire Emblem mobile game.