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Motorsport Manager

Curve Digital, in partnership with Playsport Games, has announced that it will be bringing Motorsport Manager to Switch. The racing management strategy game is slated for March 14 on the eShop.

Here’s an overview for Motorsport Manager, along with a trailer:

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

R.B.I. Baseball 19 – $29.99 (available March 5)

Little Friends: Dogs & Cats

At the end of last year, Little Friends: Dogs & Cats released on Switch in Japan. Sold Out today announced that it has partnered with developer Imagineer to bring the virtual pet simulator to North America and Europe this spring. It will be available physically and digitally.

Here’s everything you need to know about Little Friends: Dogs & Cats:

Devolver Digital is celebrating today’s launch of Ape Out with a brand new trailer. Have a look at the video below.

NIS America has posted yet another video for The Caligula Effect: Overdose. Check out the “C-CEO?!” clip below.

A few days ago, a fresh listing for Horizon Chase Turbo appeared on the ESRB even though the game has been available on the eShop for several months. It was a sign that a physical release could be in the works.

As has been speculated, Horizon Chase Turbo is indeed heading to retail. PM Studios and acttil, along with developer Aquiris, have confirmed that the title is going physical. We’ll be seeing it on North American store shelves this spring.

Source: PM Studios /acttil PR

Dynamic Voltage Games has announced Pirates of First Star, an adventure game that uses a combination of photographed claymation and real time 3D to achieve a unique art style in a 90’s game design style.

We have the following overview and trailer:

During a Flyhigh Works presentation today, the latest information and footage was shown for Cytus Alpha.

The rhythm game is confirmed to be receiving a collaboration with the DJMax series to include 10 songs from DJMax Respect. The “Chapter DJMax” will feature songs such as “Don’t Die,” “Blythe,” “SIN -The Last Scene-,” “End of the Moonlight,” and “Don’t Die.”

We’ve included a new trailer for Cytus Alpha below, along with the full Flyhigh Works presentation.


Famitsu hosted a live stream yesterday in which it showcased footage from Travis Strikes Again’s first DLC with director Suda51. We have the full recording below.

You may recall that Galak-Z: Variant S came to the Switch eShop last year. Next month, Nintendo’s console will be getting another entry in the series. A listing on the eShop shows that Galak-Z: The Void: Deluxe Edition is due out on March 26.

Here’s an overview, along with a trailer:

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