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The Switch version of FIFA 18 doesn’t use Frostbite similar to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions. EA did, however, come up with its own custom engine for Nintendo’s console.

Explaining why the team decided against using Frostbite on Switch, developer Andrei Lazarescu noted:

“As much as we would have wanted to (use Frostbite) you can’t without making the whole engine work. We intentionally chose to do a custom engine because we felt that rather and try and get Frostbite running and end up having to downsize things and making it just a smaller, lower-quality version of the PS4 and Xbox One versions, we wanted this to be a FIFA that stands on its own two feet. We want people to recognise it and play it for what it is rather than saying, hey, you’re getting a sh***y, second-rate game. This is a full FIFA that players players will enjoy.”

We first found out about Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition via a European eShop listing. Today, Crunching Croalas officially announced the game, and has revealed that it’s due out very soon.

Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition is “a laser fueled action game infused with an exquisite cosmic soundtrack”. The Switch version features a new save system, big tweaks to the original difficulty level, and a new co-op mode in which “man and dog fight hand-in-paw against a horde of beasts from another dimension.”

Another round of Nintendo maintenance has been scheduled for tonight / tomorrow. Minecraft on Switch and Wii U plus general maintenance on Wii U and 3DS will be taking place tonight.

The schedule is as follows:


– 6:50 PM PT (August 29) – 8:30 PM PT (August 29)
– 9:50 PM ET (August 29) – 11:30 PM ET (August 29)
– 2:50 AM in the UK (August 30) – 4:30 AM in the UK (August 30)
– 3:50 AM in Europe (August 30) – 5:30 AM in Europe (August 30)

Wii U / 3DS

– 8 PM PT (August 29) – 2 AM PT (August 30)
– 11 PM ET (August 29) – 5 AM ET (August 30)
– 4 AM in the UK (August 30) – 10 AM in the UK (August 30)
– 5 AM in Europe (August 30) – 11 AM in Europe (August 30)



Sadly, Miiverse is coming to an end soon. Nintendo announced earlier today that the service ends on November 7 / November 8, depending on where you live.

So what about those who participated a ton in Miiverse? What will happen to everything posted on the social network? Well, the good news is that Nintendo has started up a tool that allows Miiverse users to submit a request for a file containing all posts and screenshots saved in your album. As long as you have a Nintendo Account and make the request before Miiverse ends, you should be good to go.

Full details are on the official page here.

More: ,

Amazon Germany is taking pre-orders for several new Nintendo products. The Fire Emblem Warriors Limited Edition (and the Chrom / Tiki amiibo), the SNES New 3DS XL, and physical versions of Pokemon Gold/Silver are all now live. For those who are interested, everything is located here.

Thanks to axel for the tip.


Fire Emblem Heroes has a new Brave Heroes event. Tying in with that, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have created some special art for the mobile game.

What’s noteworthy here is some text on Lucina’s sword. After it was translated, fans noticed that it roughly signifies “anime project success”. Fans are now hoping that this is a sign about an anime, though we’re quite far from a confirmation at this point. Regardless, is it something you’d like to see?

SourcE, Via

Medabots Classics boxart

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News | 1 Comment

Imagineer has posted the official boxarts for Medabots Classics, which were announced for 3DS yesterday. We’ve attached both above.


Nintendo has released a new trailer for the Brave Heroes summoning event in Fire Emblem Heroes. Check it out below.

Nintendo has been on a roll with ARMS rankings as of late. Within the past week, we’ve heard about fighters who have been used the most and characters who have the highest win rates.

Nintendo’s latest rankings are based on the top 3 percent of super skilled players. Determined by win rate, first place is awarded to Max Brass, the (current) newest character on the ARMS roster. Helix is second, and Byte & Barq followed in third place.

It’s interesting to see the fighters advanced players use. It sounds like if you want to be at the top, Max Brass might be your best bet.



Gamescom 2017 outperformed last year’s show in several ways. Among these is attendance, as 350,000 visitors showed up for the big expo last week. Gamescom 2016 was attended by 345,000 people.

Here’s a breakdown of some key stats:

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