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The 2.0 update for Steel Diver: Sub Wars won’t be released this month as originally planned. Instead, the game’s director says we can expect it in early June.

Takaya Imamura wrote in a new Miiverse update:

Hello, this is Takaya Imamura, the Director of Steel Diver: Sub Wars. As always, thank you so much for playing. I would like to take a moment to update you on Version 2.0, which we announced recently.

We had been aiming to release Version 2.0 in May. However, we’d now like to ask you for a little more time, in order to ensure that the finished update is as polished as possible. The current plan is to release the update in early June.

I apologise to those who have been looking forward to this release, and thank you for your patience.

Source, Via

SEGA has revealed a new “jungle badger” character for the Sonic Boom franchise named “Sticks”.

Here’s an official overview of Sticks:

Sticks is new to Sonic’s circle of friends– actually new to friends in general– and as the most primal character in the Sonic universe, she is a force of nature in every way. Sticks is wilder than the other members of Sonic’s team with unparalleled animal instincts and extremely sharp survival skills. She’s a fearsome combatant and a tenacious hunter who’s armed with handmade weapons at all times, most notably a handmade boomerang that she keeps in tow.

Her wildness means that her social skills need plenty of work and she’s not the most trusting individual. Full of outrageous suspicions, Sticks’ instincts often prove to be accurate. While the concepts of sharing, compassion and friendship are foreign to her, Sticks has a good heart and a genuine desire to get closer to her new friends, particularly Amy, who helps Sticks adapt to civilization. Sticks and Amy quickly become best friends, with Sticks willing to go to extremes to protect her new pal, a quality that will play out through new Sonic Boom content. Her eccentric character adds an endless amount of humor and surprise to the Sonic team.


Corcell has prepared a new update for AeternoBlade. If you’ve purchased the game, head on over to the eShop to receive the patch.

AeternoBlade’s 1.1 update fixes several bugs and issues. You can find the full patch notes above.


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Retail

Mario Kart 8 (available May 30)

Wii U Download

Ittle Dew
Gravity Badgers
Luv Me Buddies Wonderland

Wii U Virtual Console

Klonoa: Empire of Dreams

3DS Virtual Console

Mega Man Xtreme 2

New Nintendo eShop Cards

$10 Nintendo eShop Cards including Photos with Mario – There’s a new way to have fun with your favorite Mushroom Kingdom characters. A special-edition series of $10 Nintendo eShop Cards lets you use your Nintendo 3DS system to play and pose with Mario, Princess Peach or a Goomba using character cards and the Photos with Mario application, at no additional cost. Not only do you get $10 to spend on downloadable games in the Nintendo eShop on both Nintendo 3DS or Wii U, but you also get a cool way to create fun photos on your Nintendo 3DS system. Choose your favorite character (or collect all three!) exclusively at Target retail stores. For details, visit

Nintendo Promotion

Get a free download code for a select Wii U game from Club Nintendo when you register Mario Kart 8 – Register Mario Kart 8 between May 30 at 12 a.m. ET and July 31 at 11:59 p.m. PT to get a free download code for one of the following Wii U games: New Super Mario Bros. U, Pikmin 3, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD and Wii Party U. For full promotion details, visit

Nintendo eShop Sale

Get up to 33 percent off Pushmo and Crashmo – See where it all started before the Pushmo World game comes out for the Wii U console. From May 28 at 9 a.m. PT to June 13 at 8:59 a.m. PT, the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS is offering the first two games, Pushmo and Crashmo, at up to 33 percent off their regular prices. For details, visit

Price Reduction

LEGO The Hobbit – $39.99 (was $49.99) starting June 2

Source: Nintendo PR

REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–3 … 2 … 1 … GO! Whether playing with family members in the living room, fellow students in the dorm, coworkers in an office or even online with friends around the world, there is nothing that elicits the same fun, camaraderie and healthy competition like a rousing round of Mario Kart. The Mario Kart series is one of the most recognizable and loved video game series of all time. Tomorrow, Mario Kart 8 will race into stores nationwide and the Nintendo eShop on Wii U, bringing with it anti-gravity racing that finds players speeding upside down and along walls using karts and motorbikes, a variety of single- and multiplayer features and stunning high-definition graphics that make every detail pop off the screen.

“Ever since the launch of the original Super Mario Kart game on the Super NES more than 20 years ago, the words ‘Mario Kart’ have come to represent the gold standard for unpredictable and competitive racing fun,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “Mario Kart 8 is an experience only available on Wii U, and the anti-gravity racing makes it unlike anything the series has seen before.”

In Japan, Nintendo has obtained a new trademark for “Delta Emerald”. The company filed for the name on May 2, though it was only published for all to see today.

When you think of “Delta Emerald”, Pokemon Emerald is something that comes to mind. Interestingly enough, that title was released as part of the same set of games as Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire.

Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire remakes were announced for the 3DS very recently. Could Nintendo also have plans to bring out “Pokemon Delta Emerald” at some point as well?


This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:

Wii U

Tomodachi Life Food Reviews feat. Shaun White and Shaq
NES Remix 2 – Find Luigi: Ice Hockey Stage 9
Tomodachi Life – Lily & Special Musical Guest, Debby Ryan
Photos with Mario Trailer
Pushmo World Trailer
Swords & Soldiers Launch Trailer
Fit Music Trailer
Street Fighter Alpha 2 trailer
Child of Light Accolades Trailer
Mega Man V Trailer
Tomodachi Life TV Commercial with Sarah & Surprise Guest
Nintendo 2DS Kids’ Summer TV Commercial


Tomodachi Life Food Reviews feat. Shaun White and Shaq
NES Remix 2 – Find Luigi: Ice Hockey Stage 9
Tomodachi Life – Lily & Special Musical Guest, Debby Ryan
Photos with Mario Trailer
Pushmo World Trailer
Turtle Tale Trailer
Swords & Soldiers Launch Trailer
Street Fighter Alpha 2 trailer
Child of Light Accolades Trailer
Alien on the Run Trailer
Mega Man V Trailer
Tomodachi Life TV Commercial with Sarah & Surprise Guest
Nintendo 2DS Kids’ Summer TV Commercial

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

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