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Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai shared the following message:

“The Pyrosphere viewed from above. The Morph Ball design is also based on the one from Metroid: Other M.”

Miiverse users now have a new way of communicating with their friends and followers. Starting today, a newly introduced update allows for messages to be posted directly to your friends and followers’ Activity Feed.

Nintendo of Europe passed along the news earlier today:


Nintendo announced today that Wii Karaoke U will be available in Europe starting on October 4. All console owners will be able to download the app free of charge from the eShop.

Keep in mind that Wii Karaoke U does have a pricing structure. You can make buy tickets for one hour (£1.79), 24 hours (£4.49), or 30 days (£13.49) of use through an in-game ‘Ticket Purchase’ icon linked to eShop. As part of a special launch promotion, Nintendo will offer a free one hour trial ticket.

Without a ticket, it’s still possible to open the application and browse songs, build playlists, and customize in-game features.

You can find more details about Wii Karaoke U in Nintendo’s announcement below.

Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are due out next month, but there are plenty of new details to reveal. The latest issue of CoroCoro has done just that by pulling back the curtain on additional Mega Evolutions, starter Pokemon evolutions, and more.
Here’s a roundup of other information included in the magazine:

– Starter evolutions

Chespin -> Haribooga
Fennekin -> Teerunaa
Froakie -> Gerogashira

– New fossil types: rock/ice and rock/dragon

– Fairy overview

– Strong against Dragon, Dark and Fighting
– NVE against Steel, Poison and Fire
– Weak against Poison and Steel
– Resistant to Bug, Fighting and Dark
– Immune to Dragon
– New Mega Mewtwo is part Fighting
– Gerogashira knows Jump
– Chespin’s evolution knows Mud Shot
– Fennekin’s evolution knows Psycho Cut and has a twig in its tail
– Twig is used to fight and it stands upright
– Chespin’s evolution has a silhouette like Gengar’s
– Steel has lost its resistance to Dark and Ghost
– Newly revealed Mewtwo form is exclusive to X
– That likely means the other form is exclusive to Y
– “Freeze Skin” – Whatever Normal-Type attack you use becomes an Ice-Type attack. The move’s attack power is raised as well.
– “Strong Chin” – The attack power of moves that use your fangs like “Crunch” rises
– “Fur Coat” – The damage taken from any attack in which your opponent comes into physical contact with you is decreased by half
– New Fossil Pokemon: Chigorasu and Amarusu
– Other new Pokemon: Torimian and Nyaonikusu


Metal Max 4 trailer

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Kiniro no Corda 3 Full Voice Special (PSP) – 9/8/8/8
Sangokushi (3DS) – 8/8/8/8
Nobunaga’s Ambition (3DS) – 8/8/8/8
Yahari Game demo Ore no Seishun Love Kome wa machigatteiru (PSV) – 8/8/8/7
Mushibugyo (3DS) – 7/7/7/7
Phantom Breaker: Extra (PS3/360) – 7/7/7/6


T?kaid? Goj?san-tsugi will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Famicom download on September 18 for 500 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka has expressed some interest in creating Sonic spin-offs and titles featuring other characters.

Iizuka was asked by ONM this month if Big the Cat will ever receive his own game. In response, he said that such a proposal is “a nice idea”, and feels that the character would be well-suited in a fishing title.

As far as spin-offs in general are concerned, Iizuka said: “if there was a game in which we could use the characters in the best way, we might consider it.”

Iizuka’s comments in full:

“That’s a nice idea! At Summer of Sonic a lot of people were asking if we might feature characters like Shadow, or if there was any possibility of spin-offs. The focus isn’t on taking characters and building around them, but on the game itself. Obviously, if there was a game in which we could use the characters in the best way, we might consider it. For Big the Cat, if it’s a fishing game, it’s a possibility.”

Thanks to joclo for sending this our way.

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